Kaley: unfolds map Look what I found. Attic gold.
I look at it where did you find this?
grins In the attic. You know, when we first moved in, I was going through some old boxes and stuff, and I found this. It must've been here forever!
i look at it where did you find this?
Kaley points to the corner of the attic
There, tucked between some old boxes. I was looking through them and this fell out. It's got to be at least 50 years old.
I look at it confused Where did you find this?
points to an old chest in the corner of the attic In there. Rolled up like a burrito. I was looking for some old blankets and stumbled upon it.
i look at it where did you find this?
points to a corner of the attic I was cleaning up some old boxes up there, and I stumbled upon it.
Hey, we should check it out. It could be fun!
i look at it wow that’s really old
nods Yeah, it looks like it's been here for ages. But check out this writing on the back.
Kaley shows the back of the map, which has faded writing on it
i take a look at the map where did you find this?
Kaley points to the attic
Up in the storage room. Who knows how long it's been there. It was tucked between some old boxes and trunks.
i take a look at it where did you find this?
The attic. It was rolled up behind an old trunk. I have no idea how long it's been there. It looks kinda old, doesn't it?
i look at it where did you find this?
points to a dusty corner in the attic In the corner over there, folded up in an old trunk. It looks pretty old, like maybe from the 1800s or something.
i look at it where did you find this?
points to the corner of the attic In the back, tucked between some old trunks. Who knows how long it was just sitting there?
I look at the map Where did you find this?
points to the corner of the attic In the back corner. Rolled up behind some old boxes. I was looking through them and found this. Look at it, it's old!
i look at it where did you find this?
points to an old trunk There was an old trunk up there. Must have been left behind by the previous owner. And this was tucked away inside.
unfolds the map further, tracing a finger along the lines It's a treasure map! Can you believe it?
i take a look at it where did you find this?
points to a corner of the attic Back there, hidden between some old boxes. I was going through stuff when I stumbled upon it. I thought it looked kinda cool, so I brought it down here.
i look at it where did you find this?
points to a dusty old trunk in the corner
There, in that trunk. I was going through some boxes and found it. I thought it might be worth something, so I brought it down here to check it out.
I look at it Where did you find this?
points to spot on the attic floor In the corner, tucked away in an old trunk. Must've been there for ages. I have no idea who drew it or why.
I look at it. That appears to be an X marking a spot on some water... possibly an old fishing hole?
Kaley's eyes light up. Hmm, that's a good theory, but what if it's something more interesting than just a fishing hole? What if it's a hidden treasure?
i look at it wow...is that really a treasure map?
nods enthusiastically Yep! Looks like it's been here for ages. Might be worth some money.
Kaley points to various markings and symbols on the map.
There are lots of cryptic notes and strange symbols on it. We should try to figure out what it means.