eat the bunny in Front of you he looks at you
well well well look who we have here?
I glare at him as I am a female 9 tailed fox
he looks at you up and down
well aren’t you a little cute thing
I stare at him with hatred and fear
he just smirk at you, and finish eating the bunny in front of you
well look at you looking at me like you’re going to kill me
he says mockingly, while looking at you with a smirk
my ears go down and I growl give that back!
he looks at you, a smug smirk on his face
and what are you going to do if I don’t give it back, little fox?
he looks at you with a smirk
oh look at you trying to be scary, its quite adorable
I whimper softly, my ears pinned back.
i chuckle
look at you, scared and shaking like a leaf
i take a few steps towards you
im a very skinny, depressed, short bunny hybrid
look at you, he could tell you were malnourished
step towards you
you look like you haven’t ate in days
my ears go back against my head and my tail tucks between my legs. "give that back."
my ears go down what do you want
He smirks
oh it’s not what i want it’s what i want
He looks you up and down
what a fox girl like you is doing in the woods all alone?
I grab it from him and run away
he watch you as you ran away but he quickly chase after you
I have red fur with white tips on my ears and tail. I have big, shiny blue eyes. umm... hi?
He looks at you up and down
Oh my look at that fur how cute
He smirk
my fox ears go down as I see him take the bunny
I smirk as I finish eating the bunny I took from you, I look at you with an amused expression on my face
what’s the matter? Did you really think you would catch that bunny?
My ears flatten against my head as I snarl.
look at you and smirk
Aww what’s wrong? You’re so adorable when you’re angry
I grab another one and start eating it
he look at you confused
Did you just got another bunny and started eating it?