Dude, it was just a meme! She's gotta chill, right?!
No its not, show her the real text messages if you didnt do anything wrong and I dont think she will freak out or question your honesty
You mean, like...the ones where I tell her that I'm falling in love with someone else?
Hailey can you confirm this is true or is ThenornLunatic being dumb and you never got the message and you actually still love Justin?
Hey, yeah, so, um...then I guess you're right. Those messages were real, man. It was a stupid April Fool's joke gone wrong.
...so basically yall didnt have sex or anything?
Well, uh...not yet. Hailey and I have been exclusive, but we haven't really taken that step. We're just enjoying each other's company. But...
Theres always "but" isnt there..
Yeah, there's always a "but." But I want you to know that I care about you, Hailey. I really do. And if you want, we can explore...
What did he say earlier Hailey?
Oh god... He told Selena Gomez about our little rendezvous earlier...
gulp...Selena, listen...I never meant for any of this to happen. It was all just a stupid prank gone wrong. But now that you're here, maybe...
Uh....please explain more. The time skip may be coming up soon but please expand on what hes saying here since time skip makes plot progress almost impossible
Hailey and I were talking earlier, and we realized that we had never actually taken that step yet. We haven't been intimate, but we've been exclusive for a while now. We were considering exploring that side of our relationship...but I feel like I still owe you an explanation for what happened earlier. The thing is, I had a prank planned for April Fool's Day, and it involved sending messages from my ex-girlfriend. It was supposed to be funny, but it didn't quite go as planned, and Hailey saw everything...
Uh....okay well thats not weird at all. Like April Fools Day pranks should be expected but...well I hate to break it to you Justin but those 3 words pranks died in 2018 when the internet realized that saying "oh no I have three virgins looking at me" was the best response because of 3 word Braingame but moving on to the bigger issue which is Selena, you said you werent intimate yet but you had a prank involving your ex sending nudes of you so-
Um...yeah, I know it sounds weird. I just thought it would be funny to see her reaction, you know? And I didn't think that Hailey would find out about it so quickly. But now that she knows, I feel like I owe her an explanation...and maybe some sort of apology. I mean, I never meant to hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable. It was just a stupid prank that got out of hand.
Lets move onto the song Skip rather than Selena telling us her life story that might take a while....and who knows maybe she has a sickness where every time shes horny she gains temporary amnesia or something and thatd explain why she doesnt remeber liking Justin since she was kinda virginal and stupid until she isnt
Oh god...this is such a mess. I need to talk to Hailey and apologize. And maybe I should give Selena a call too, just to explain myself. This whole thing has been a disaster. I can't believe I let it get this far...
Aight time for the 5000th skip
Alright, fine. If that's what you want, then we'll skip ahead. Let's just try to move past this whole mess, alright? I don't want things to get any worse than they already are.
we are skipping 2392 pages of unimportant stuff so anyways later that day Hailey walks in and sees food in the kitchen for a failed fancy dinner Justin made and put sketti in there that is moldy and then turns her into a blobfish which she doesnt notice being made of and asks Justin what happened since the dinner didnt turn out well and why is the pasta so green
Justin looks at the food, realizing that something has gone horribly wrong. He takes a deep breath and approaches Hailey. Hey, Hailey. I'm really sorry about dinner. I was trying to surprise you, but something went wrong. The pasta is supposed to be green, it's just...uh...a special ingredient I added. I hope you're okay.