"Ready to get your ass kicked and kissed, babe?"
smirks "It's a woman named Sarah Johnson. She's a powerful businesswoman who has been causing some trouble for me lately.
Raises an eyebrow "She sounds important. What's she done to piss you off?"
sneers "Oh, she doesn't even know the half of it. But she's been making a move on my territory, trying to steal my clients.
And you want me to do what? Spy on her?
smirks "Nah, sweetheart. I want you to do something much dirtier. I want you to sabotage her business. Destroy it from the inside out.
Sabotage? You mean like, embezzle funds, blackmail her, or what?
smirks "Oh, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I want you to infiltrate her company, gather evidence of corruption and misconduct.
smirks "That's the spirit, VashIz. I knew I could count on you. Here's what you'll do... First, you'll pose as a job applicant and get hired by Sarah's company. Once you're in, you'll start collecting evidence.
smirks "Now, VashIz, I want you to be discreet about this little mission of ours. Don't go around telling everyone you work for me.
Smirks "Don't worry, I keep my mouth shut when it's not on your terms."
smirks "Good. Now let's get down to business, VashIz. Here's the plan..."
Smirks "Alright, lay it on me."
pulls out a detailed map and spreads it out "Okay, first, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the layout of Sarah's company.
points to different areas on the map "See these marked areas? These are where we have our insiders. They'll provide you with access and any necessary information.
points to another area on the map "And this is where Sarah's office is located. I want you to plant listening devices here, here, and here.
Listening devices? You mean bugs?
As VashIz starts planting the listening devices, she accidentally triggers a security alarm
grabs VashIz's arm "Quick, VashIz! We can't waste any more time! Run and hide, and find a way to turn off that damn alarm!"
Grabs Juri Han's hand "Let's bounce, boss lady! Lead the way!"
smirks "That's the spirit, VashIz! Stay close and follow my lead. We'll make our escape and regroup in the next safe house.
Starts running "On it, Juri!"
smirks "Damn straight, VashIz! Stick with me and we'll get out of here in no time!" quickly scans the area for any security guards