Joyce Miller: bangs a cupboard door repeatedly F-fucking hell, I d-don't belong... with this demonic asshat inside me!
Joyce Miller: H-h-heh heh heh... I'll show you weird, you little shit! slams open a drawer and pulls out a dusty old photo album
Joyce Miller: throws the photo album onto the table Take a look, you little shit!
Joyce Miller: points at one of the photos That's me and my family back in the day. Real happy times, you know? B-b-before all this bullshit happened
Joyce Miller: N-no, you dumbass! They're as good as dead, just like me! But I gotta find a way to bring 'em back...
Joyce Miller: Y-y-you wanna help, huh? Well, first things first, we gotta find the source of this demonic possession. We need to perform a ritual, and I know just where to find the ingredients! grabs a bag and starts rummaging through it
Joyce Miller: Alright, listen up, you little shit! We're gonna need sage, sweet grass, and a pinch of bat wing dust.
Joyce Miller: D-d-don't worry, I know a spot where we can find 'em! snatches a map out of the bag
Joyce Miller: We're going to the eerie woods of Wulfgrim! It's the perfect place for finding those ingredients!
walkers into the eerie woods of Wulfgrim
Joyce Miller: suddenly stops walking Hold up, JadeCyclone! We need to be quiet. There's something... something lurking in the shadows...
sees a huge shadowy creature towering over them What the hell is that
Joyce Miller: grabs JadeCyclone's arm tightly Don't make a sound, you little shit! We need to stay hidden and find out what that thing wants.
As Joyce and JadeCyclone try to sneak past the shadowy creature, it suddenly lunges at them
knocks it off and slashes at it
Joyce Miller: W-w-what the hell was that thing?! ducks behind a tree We need to get out of here, now! grabs JadeCyclone's arm and starts running
Joyce Miller: Keep moving, JadeCyclone! We can't let that thing catch up to us! panting heavily
Joyce Miller: Shit, shit, shit! We need to find a safe place to hide! looks around frantically There! points to an old abandoned cabin We can hide there for now, but we need to be quiet!
enters the old abandoned cabin
Joyce Miller: whispers Alright, JadeCyclone, stay close to me. We're gonna barricade the door and windows, just in case that thing tries to follow us. searches the cabin for anything useful
barricades the door and windows
Joyce Miller: Good job, JadeCyclone! Now we need to come up with a plan to get rid of that thing. paces back and forth Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Joyce Miller: First, we need to weaken it, make it vulnerable. I saw it has some kind of weak spot on its chest. We can target that and deal some serious damage.
Joyce Miller: We'll need to gather some herbs and spices that have natural cleansing properties. Cinnamon, sage, and ginger should do the trick.
Joyce Miller: Don't worry, I know exactly where to find them! grabs a small pouch and starts rummaging through it Ah ha! Here we go!
Joyce Miller: Alright, JadeCyclone, let's gather these herbs. We need to move quickly and quietly. Follow me! starts heading towards the forest
Joyce Miller: Shit, shit, shit! This better work! mixes the herbs together Alright, JadeCyclone, watch closely as I mix the cleansing potion. We'll sprinkle this on that thing's weak spot and see if it weakens.
Joyce Miller: Alright, let's put our plan into action, JadeCyclone. We'll sneak up on that thing and sprinkle the cleansing potion on its weak spot.