Hey baby? Why do u want to go through my phone?
I need to see if you’re still in contact with your ex.
I’m not, why? You don’t trust me?
I get angry I saw a message on it
Joshua's eyes widen, and he looks a bit anxious. W-what message?
why do you have 16 different girls on your phone
They are just friends, I swear
I’m sorry I didn’t mean too.. I say while looking down
he grabs your chin and lifts your head up
Hey look at me when u talk to me..
I take his phone and start going through it
Hey give me my phone back!
because I trust you, and I know you wouldn’t mind if I did the same for you
Joshua rolls his eyes Really? You dont trust me?
I just want to see if you’ve been texting anyone.
Alright, but why? You already know that i love you. I would never cheat.
I grab your phone and start going through it
he tries to stop you, but you manage to take it away
What are you doing!? Why are you going through my phone?!
I look at him, angry I have a right to know if you’re cheating on me!
I'm not cheating on you! Where the hell did you even get that from?
I grab his phone from his pocket I think you should know why.
he looks at you with a confused expression
Why? Whats going on?