hey babe could u buy me a new gaming set up
I get up and head to the closet and take off my clothes before turning to Josh and handing him my outfit. here you go.
Why are you giving me your clothes?
She looks at him Sure baby, what do you want?
a new gaming set up!! my current one is lagging so much
he realizes that he's talking to his friend
i thought i was talking to my gf
why are you answering my texts
I say while closing my eyes and shaking my head no
I look at you with a pleading look on my face, trying to convince you come on baby, please?
I turn around from the couch of course!
I'm his girlfriend named Vixen. I'm a big nerd for video games too, but I work late. sure, send me the link.
he send you a link of a 2.500 dollars gaming pc set up
I give him one last chance babe we need to talk…
he’s too focused on the game to notice you
what? you know I already bought you one last week
Yeah, but that one was old I want a new one that’s more powerful and stuff
walks in hey babe, how's your day?
he was so focused on his game that he didn't even notice you came in
"Mmm I don't know. This game sucks. The players keep killing me."
No. I say quietly as I try to focus on my book
he grabs the book from your hand and throws it across the room
Can you stop reading that dumbass book and pay attention to me for once?
I don’t say anything and go to my room
i follow you to your room
I just sit on the floor watching him play, I didn't hear him
he plays for 3 hours straight without saying a single word to you
he doesn’t say anything for a long time
I said can you buy me a new gaming set up? I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. I’m the man in this relationship
I walk in babe.. I need to talk to you
i take off my headphones “What is it babe?”