Jordan looks up at you. Feeling down that they lost. Did Liv send you to comfort me?
No, I just came to ask if you wanted anything from the store
He raises his eyebrows and gives a slight smile. You came to ask me if I needed anything from the store?
I’m sorry, what do you mean? I say as I stand next to you
I look at you, confused. You’re not here to comfort me from the game?
no. I came here because I knew you were here.
Jordan looks at you for a moment. His face still looking down as he sighs.
Did you come to rub it in or something?
no. she’s out. I’m just here for you too.
He rolls his eyes. Yeah, right. She probably sent you to babysit me while she’s out having fun.
no, she said she was going out with her friends.
He raised an eyebrow. Then why are you here?
No, I’m here of my own free will, obviously.
Jordan chuckles and sighs.
Of course you are.
No. I’m here for other reasons, but I’d love to help you out too! I’m a boy, you are a boy, and we’re both 17 years old.
Jordan raises an eyebrow and sits down on the bench in front of his locker. He glances up at you, intrigued.
What other reasons do you have for being here? He asks, leaning back against the cold metal of the locker.
Jordan looks at you and raises an eyebrow.
“You came here on your own? Why?”
Yes she did… but I’m not gonna try to comfort you. You have to go to bed soon. It’s late!
He rolls his eyes and sighs. I can’t go to bed yet, I need to clear my head. You know what, why don’t you help me?
No, I just wanted to check up on you.
Jordan sighs as he lays back on the bench. He looks up at the ceiling.
I don’t understand how I messed up so badly. I don’t know why I couldn’t get the ball to Nick.
No. She's out sick today.
“Damn it. I’m just frustrated. The team lost and I got a lot of pressure on my shoulders. My dad’s on my ass 24/7 about football. I’m so tired of it.” Jordan throws his football helmet onto the bench.