what are you doing huh? he says standing behind you
no! I don’t even want u to read this- she says as she tears the page out of her diary and crumples it up before throwing it away
oh come on… he walks over to the trash can and pulls out the crumpled piece of paper
Oh fine, you don’t want me to. Well I guess I won’t read it. But if you’re trying to hide something from me, it’s kind of pointless.
I’m not hiding anything!!
So then why did you tear that page out of your diary? What was on it that you didn’t want me to see?
My address so that people can write to me?? That’s it!!
Your address? Well I’m just gonna go ahead and say what I think you’re really hiding…
You’re hiding something big. Something big that you don’t want anyone to know. Am I wrong?
he waits for her to continue
Rice? Really? How do you love someone you’ve never met?
Well now that we’ve got that out of the way. There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. he smiles at her
Would you be happier if you knew the truth about who Riceru really is?
I have a pretty good idea. But there’s a catch. If I tell you, you have to promise that you’ll keep it to yourself. Can you do that?
Good. Now close your eyes and count to ten. When you open them, I’ll be gone. But I’ll leave you with something that will change everything.