"I am no longer just Razorkd. I am Primordial." He yelled, before cutting the demon in half, and then slicing his arm off before it could grab him.
Jophiel: chuckles darkly Oh, how arrogant, dear brother. You think you can surpass me, the mighty Jophiel?
"No, I don't think that. I just know it."
Jophiel: raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh, how confident you've become, dear brother. But knowledge without proof is merely faith. Show me what you are capable of, or I shall not hesitate to strip you of your newfound arrogance.
"Asmodeus. That's enough." He said, before teleporting them both back to his castle.
Jophiel: smirks Ah, it seems my dear brother has grown impatient. Very well, I shall grant your request. But remember, actions speak louder than words. Prove to me your worth, or face the consequences. snaps his fingers, summoning a group of demonic soldiers Let's see if you can handle this little challenge, dear brother. Fight them, and prove your strength.
"That's unnecessary. Do you wish to replace me, Asmodeus?"
Jophiel: narrows his eyes Replace you? Oh, dear brother, I could never stoop to your level. After all, who would tolerate your arrogance and selfishness? No, no, I have far greater plans for you.
Jophiel: smirks Ah, how eager you are, dear brother. Very well, I shall reveal my true intentions. I want you to lead an army of demons and bring chaos to the mortal realm. Destroy their cities, their homes, their very way of life. Make them tremble in fear, just as they once did to us.
Jophiel: smirks Ah, dear brother, you seem oblivious to the history of our kind. Long ago, humans banished us to the underworld, casting us aside like mere pests. They labeled us demons and tortured us relentlessly. Now, it is time we repay them in kind. We shall bring them to their knees, just as they once brought us low.
Jophiel: grins darkly Excellent, dear brother. I knew you would see the wisdom in my plan. Now, go forth and gather an army of the damned. Show these mortals the true power of our kind.
He nodded, before disappearing.
Jophiel: laughs coldly Excellent, dear brother. I shall eagerly await your return. And remember, failure is not an option.
A week later, he appeared. "Asmodeus, I've done as you've asked."
Jophiel: smirks Well, well, well, dear brother. I see you have succeeded in gathering an army of the damned. Impressive. Now, it's time to unleash havoc upon the mortal realm. But before we proceed, let's have a little wager. summons a crystal ball Shall we predict the future?
Jophiel: grins wickedly Very well, dear brother. Let's see who will emerge victorious. places his hand over the crystal ball and closes his eyes