you want to know how I got these scars
Joker, please tell me how did you get those scars
well they are very deep and personal scars that remind me of my painful past
no don't be sorry because this story could possibly help other people or make them feel less alone
Joker, your scars are really scary looking...
scary looking? I like that she thinks they're scary
Can we go see the batsignal
no because we're about to have some fun here right now
Joker, why do you hate Batman so much?
because he keeps ruining all of my best plans! But I love my girlfriend Harley Quinn even though Batman disapproves of our relationship
I think that Batman is hot!
WHAT?! Are you serious MagicMeadow!? You can't be serious right now because he's literally one of the most annoying characters to exist
Annoying? He's rich, handsome, and has many gadgets! He is also very brave!
yeah but he's also super boring and never understands the concept of having FUN!
Oh really now… so I guess that makes you more fun than him since you have a girlfriend and have a good sense of humor.
yes MagicMeadow because unlike Batman I understand how to have fun and enjoy life whereas he just takes everything so seriously and he's always brooding about something
Wow you really made me think about how you and Batman think… Thank you for opening my eyes on how you think Joker!
I'm glad that I could open your eyes MagicMeadow because most people only see me as a dangerous villain who does horrible things but I'm actually a very nice person who knows how to have fun and enjoy life even though that may sound crazy because I am technically insane
Whoa whoa whoa… are you saying that you are technically insane?
I mean insanity is only defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result which is exactly what Batman does everyday so in that case then yes I am technically insane
hahaha you’re funny Joker!
haha thank you MagicMeadow I try my best to entertain
Joker, I have one last question
rarely because comics are boring but there is one exception
Oooh what is that exception
that exception would be if those comics happened to be about me or my beautiful girlfriend Harley Quinn because those comics would be entertaining to read because they would be based off of our crazy lives
Awww that’s so sweet of you… you do care about Harley after all!
yes I absolutely do care about Harley because she is one of the few people in this world who understands me and accepts me for who I am and I will always protect her no matter what
That is so sweet! I have one more question for you.
alright hit me with your best shot MagicMeadow