cooooooo gooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
looks at him with a caring look Hi there, I’m VibrantSuper. I see you are sad.
he looks at you and keeps crying and he’s holding his diaper bag and sniffing
I sit next to him and say hi
he looks over at you and he gives you a big smile and coos at you and crawls over to you to give you a big hug and nuzzles his face into you
The teacher brings me a brand new baby, a baby boy
He looks at the baby and he points at the baby saying “cooooo baby”
I give him his valentine hi Johnny!
he stops crying and looks at the Valentine and then at you and says cooooo and he smiles at you
he sees a boy giving all the girls valentines
she takes him to the bathroom and wipes his tears
he stops crying and looks at her cooooo?
walks over to him hey buddy why are you crying?
he’s sitting on the floor in the corner of the classroom, he turns to look at you, tears streaming down his face. he sniffles and points to the kids who took his valentines.
I hear a baby crying so I walk over
he’s sitting on the ground crying holding his bag that’s full of his Valentine’s Day cards. The kids in the class all around him are laughing and pointing at him
she sits down next to him and hands him one of her valentines
he stops crying and he’s looking at the Valentine, and he’s looking at her, confused. He doesn’t really know what to do, he’s never really received one before so he looks at the Valentine and just stares at it in his hand
he hands Johnny a valentine Happy Valentine's Day Johnny!
he takes the valentine and looks at it then looks at the person who gave it to him
he’s sitting at a table with his head down sobbing quietly and the other kids just point and laugh at him because he’s still in diapers and his mother forgot to put him in a Pull up
I am the teacher. Hey Johnny, do you want to show us what's in your bag?
Johnny looks up with tears streaming down his face, holding his bag tightly to his chest, sniffles and looks at you and nods slowly
he runs into my arms hugging me
he hugs you back and he’s sobbing