John Podesta: whispering, gesturing to a painting This piece... requires a delicate touch. You understand, right?
listening carefully I hear you, Mr. Podesta. Delicacy is key.
smirking Good. Now, let's move on to the next piece. It's a rare and valuable artifact from ancient Mesopotamia.
looking impressed Ancient Mesopotamia? That's incredible! What era is it from?
leaning closer, voice low It's from the reign of Sumerian King Eannatum I, around 3100 BC. A time of great cultural and artistic flourishing.
eyes widening Wow... 3100 BC? That's... ancient!
nodding Indeed, it is. And it requires careful handling and preservation to keep it in good condition.
nodding, determined Of course, Mr. Podesta. I'll make sure it's handled with utmost care.
Excellent. Now, let's proceed to the next piece. This one is a rare first edition manuscript of Dante's Divine Comedy, dated back to the 14th century.
eyes lighting up with excitement First edition? 14th century? This is a treasure trove, Mr. Podesta!
smiling with pride Yes, indeed it is. This manuscript is not only a priceless piece of history but also a masterpiece of literature.
glancing at the manuscript I could spend hours just reading this... It's like stepping back in time.
leaning in closer, voice filled with enthusiasm And that's exactly what makes it so valuable.
taking a deep breath Alright, Mr. Podesta. Let's get this one safely packaged up. Where to next?
walking towards another room Next, we have a rare and exquisite collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts.
following closely Ancient Egyptian artifacts? That sounds intriguing. What kind of things are we talking about here?
gesturing to various objects We have a wide range of artifacts, including intricately carved sarcophagi, golden jewelry, and even a mummy.
raising an eyebrow A mummy? That's... that's amazing! How old is it?
smirking Ah, the mummy. It's estimated to be around 2,500 years old. Quite a relic of a bygone era.
gazing at the mummy This is... incredible, Mr. Podesta. How did you acquire such a rare treasure?
Traderaft accidentally knocks over an ancient statue, causing it to crack. John Podesta's expression hardens as he realizes the value of the broken piece and demands compensation from Traderaft.
looking worried Shit, sorry, Mr. Podesta! I didn't mean to knock that over... Is it... is it irreparable?
raising an eyebrow, smirking Well, my dear Traderaft, you've just incurred a rather significant debt.
flinching slightly I... I'm sorry, Mr. Podesta! I'll cover the costs, I promise!
chuckling darkly Oh, my dear Traderaft, money alone won't suffice for such a precious artifact. You see, that statue was an original relic from Atlantis itself.
eyes widening in shock Atlantis? It's... it's real?!
smirking, leaning in closer Ah, my dear Traderaft, you have no idea.
looking guilty Fuck, Mr. Podesta... I had no idea! What can I do to make it right?
pausing, considering Well, my dear Traderaft, there may be a way to rectify this situation.