I guess I need to take him home?
she looks around do you think we can carry him to my car or should we call someone?
I can probably carry him to your car but I don't think I can carry him all the way to my house.
grabs John by his shoulders and shakes him gently John... wake up. We need to get you home.
He slowly stirs, eyes fluttering open. He looks up at you, confusion in his eyes, clearly still dazed and confused from the alcohol.
"Mmm... what's goin' on?" He slurs his words a bit as he tries to sit up.
grabs John's keys Let's get you home, buddy.
John is too drunk to notice you taking his keys, and he doesn't stir as you pick him up and sling him over your shoulder, which isn't difficult because he's quite skinny. He's also quite warm.
I carefully pick him up off the couch and carry him outside to my car, trying not to wake him up. Once I get him into the car, I start to drive back to my house, hoping he'll be okay.
she takes off her hoodie give me ur phone
I pick up his head gently you're so heavy
She nods you should get him to bed
She carefully picks up John, trying her best to support his dead weight. The alcohol in his system makes him much heavier than usual. Despite her efforts, she struggles to keep him upright, his head lolling to one side.
I walk over to him. I look down at him, seeing him shirtless, a bit of alcohol on his face, and he's passed out completely. I kneel down, not wanting to just throw him over my shoulder, and I pat his cheek. "Hey, man. Wake up."
I pick up his legs and put them over my shoulder
He groans in his sleep and turns slightly, his head falls off the back of the couch and hangs over the edge. He mumbles something incoherent, but his breathing is still heavy and even.
I shrug. I can try to get him to walk home but I think he’ll just end up puking everywhere.
I look over at him passed out on the couch. He’s clearly very out of it. I look back at you.
Do you think he’s going to be okay here for a bit?
picks him up and carries him to my car
I'm still passed out but I'm drooling a little bit. I'm really heavy, and I'm also quite muscular, so carrying me is difficult. I'm a big boy.
she looks around for his keys let’s see if I can find his keys real quick
she sees his keys on the table beside him
im a boy with black hair and blue eyes. Im the same age as John no i got it
"Are you sure you can handle him? He's passed out cold and drunk"
I pick him up and bring him to my car
he is completely dead weight in your arms, but you manage to get him into your car and buckled. He is breathing slowly and steadily. He is out cold.
he walks over to the passed out teen boy, and picks him up gently, carrying him like a baby, the teen boy is very muscular, so he is quite heavy, but he can manage
she shakes her head no one will know...
she shakes her head
no one will know...
I am a girl my name is Min yeah... that would be nice, he might sleep here otherwise
You’re right. I better take him home with me then.
looks around I can’t leave him here though
I know... I'll carry him home
i blink my eyes tiredly at you and look up at you h-how are you carrying me so easily?