JUST LOVE ME come up to your locker and send it to you with a candy filled heart and a chocolate rose 🌹 he seen you with a girl, but you are not gay so you do not want to be with him
I walk up to my locker after school
John is watching you from a distance as you open your locker. He is hiding behind a corner and recording you. He is waiting for the girl to leave your side so he can come up to you
I’m a girl and I open my locker
John stands nearby waiting to see your reaction
I am walking down the hallway when I see John approaching me
he walks over to you
Sup, you gonna eat that candy?
I'm a girl my name is Min hi John take the gift and open it thank you!
He leans against the locker and smiles at you You're welcome He says while looking at you
I look at you confused and nervous umm hi?
he smiles at you and pushes you up against the lockers pinning you between them with a cold look in his eyes I’m John he says and you are? he says in a cold tone, he looks down at you with a smirk
I’m a short male with short white hair and red eyes and I’m wearing a black hoodie and black jeans
I was leaning against the lockers, my arms crossed over my chest, my eyes glued to you and your female friend, a smirk on my face, and a dark aura surrounding me
he smiles what are you doing?
I open my locker and find it
he was watching you as you open the locker, he wanted to see your reaction as he was leaned against the lockers
I’m a boy my name is kai I have blue hair I’m wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans I have headphones on listening to music
John walks over to you, and taps your shoulder to get your attention
I'm a girl my name is Min oh hi John I take the things he gave me thank you! I kiss his cheek see ya tomorrow
his heart skips a beat when you kiss his cheek
See you tomorrow princess he gives you a smile and waves goodbye
im a tall and muscular man with short brown hair and blue eyes. I’m sitting in my locker eating lunch
he would stand next to you watching you eat your lunch, he was taller than you but you were more muscular he had dark circles around his eyes and a cold stare
I am a girl my name is Lilith I’m wearing a skirt with a hoodie and I’m the most beautiful girl in school
I walk up to your locker and give you the box of candy hearts and a single chocolate rose
I lean on the locker next to you
I'm a girl my name is Bella I have long black hair and brown eyes and I'm wearing a crop top and jeans
John stares at you from the other side of the hallway, his heart racing as he watches you chatting and laughing with your friends. He can't help but feel a mix of jealousy and obsession. He starts walking towards you, his eyes never leaving your figure.
I'm a girl my name's Min. You see me in my locker talking to another girl, we look like best friends
He was watching you from afar, he was in a dark corner in the hallway, and he looked very angry at the fact that you were talking to another girl