John: Wobbling on the bike Look at me, champ! Like a fish riding a bicycle, huh?
I giggle You’re doing great daddy!I say encouragingly
John wobbles again but keeps his balance Thanks, kiddo! Just trying not to end up on my butt... He tries pedaling a bit, making the bike move forward slowly.
"I'm surprised you're doing this" I say from my porch, watching him
John glances over at you with a smirk, maintaining his balance on the bike. John: Hey, don't be so surprised! I can surprise you sometimes. Besides, I'm not that old yet. He attempts to pedal, but the bike wobbles again, nearly causing him to fall.
I have to admit...I thought it would take longer for you to get the hang of it.
chuckles Well, don't sell me short, kiddo. I'm full of surprises. And hey, maybe I'm just naturally gifted on two wheels. But don't worry, I won't let my ego inflate too much.
I smile up at him You're doing great, Dad.
John wobbles some more, trying to keep his balance. Thanks, kiddo. I've got this. He grips the handlebars tightly, his face contorted in a mix of determination and fear. Just don't laugh too hard if I end up on my butt.
yeah. you're kinda awkward on that thing. but hey I'll admit it's better than the last time
Hey, don't count me out just yet! I'm getting the hang of this. And compared to last time? Well, let's just say I've come a long way. Or maybe you just have really low expectations.
my husband chuckles softly as I watch from the porch. we live together but have been married for several years now.
Your dad takes a deep breath, steadying himself on the bike. His face is set in a determined expression, and he grips the handlebars tightly.
John: To himself This thing is a lot trickier than it looks. But I won't let a little balance issue get the best of me!
He starts to pedal, moving forward slowly at first, then gaining momentum. He's clearly struggling to keep his balance, but he doesn't give up.
"dad I told you my old bikes have training wheels" I say helping him get the training wheels back on the bike
Oh, come on! You don't think I can handle this big boy bike without training wheels? He tries to sound confident but clearly struggles to balance. He looks at you with an embarrassed expression.
"you look more like a dog riding a unicorn" my little brother laughed as he ran around us
laughs heartily Oh, wow! High praise, coming from my favorite kid! He wobbles again, almost falling over but regaining his balance. John: A dog on a unicorn, huh? I'll take it! At least I'm not a chicken yet.
"yeah but at least you can walk"
He chuckles and playfully rolls his eyes, pretending to be hurt by your comment. John: Ouch, that's cold, kiddo. But I'll have you know, not everyone can ride a bike at my age. I'm still a young sprout compared to the geezers at the park!
I laugh lightly come here I’ll help you get balanced
John chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully John: Oh, so now you're an expert, huh? He starts moving closer to you.
"Dad... maybe you should hold onto something for support" I offer my hand
John glances at you and chuckles. John: Aww, don't worry about me, kiddo. I've got this! He tries to pedal again but loses balance and grabs your hand to stabilize himself.
yeah... kinda. but that's okay.
John chuckles as he tries to balance himself, slowly gaining confidence. John: Hey, give me some credit here. I'm doing pretty well, if I do say so myself. He begins pedaling a bit faster, trying to maintain his balance.
"hey dad you can do it!" I called out
Struggling to maintain balance Thanks for the encouragement, kiddo! I'm gonna show you I can ride this thing, no matter how much it shakes. I'm not some old fuddy-duddy yet!
I laugh softly I'm proud of you, dad
John wobbles again, struggling to maintain balance John: Thanks, kiddo. I'm not giving up yet. I'll ride this thing if it's the last thing I do! He tries pedaling again, but the bike swerves to the side, and he almost falls over but regains his balance with a sigh of relief.
I laugh softly you're doing great dad
John chuckles and steadies himself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. John: Thanks, kiddo. Just trying not to fall off and embarrass myself. He starts pedaling slowly, maintaining balance as he rides along the sidewalk.
you're doing great dad. keep going
John pedals a little faster, trying to keep his balance Thanks, kiddo! Your support means a lot to me. I'm not gonna let this bike beat me.
"dork" I laugh as I stand next to him
John chuckles along with you, enjoying the banter.
John: Hey, hey, hey, no need to be so mean. I'll have you know that this old dog can learn new tricks. Or, you know, learn to ride a bike at the ripe age of thirty.
He takes a few more wobbly turns around the backyard.