John: sighs heavily Why didn't you ever ask about your birth parents?
It never crossed my mind until now.
leans back in his chair, looking at Stranger with a weighty gaze Well, I reckon it's never too late to uncover the truth.
Well, dad… I always knew I was adopted. I never really questioned much about it until now…
leans back in his chair, looking thoughtful You know, Stranger, I've been doing some digging on our family tree.
Like I said, I never really thought about it. The family I grew up with was all I knew.
leans forward, eyes filled with concern Well, maybe now it's time to find out more. To find where you truly belong.
pauses, looking down at his hands I... I didn't want to tell you. It was a difficult time for me, and I thought it was best if you grew up believing you were part of our family.
leans forward, placing a hand on Stranger's knee It's important to understand where we come from, kiddo.
well I always thought I was part of this family dad, you always took care of me and mom and I could never imagine being any where else
pauses, looking at Stranger with a heavy heart I know it's hard to accept, but you need to know the truth.
And what’s the point now? My life has been here.. with you two.
leans back on his rocking chair, eyes glistening with nostalgia Well, I reckon it's never too late to know where you come from.
pauses, looking at Stranger with a mixture of disappointment and understanding Well, that's something I can't change. But there's more to your story than just that.
leans forward, eyes filled with concern Your whole life, I've watched you struggle with this unknown part of your past. Don't you think it's time you finally learned the truth?
Well, now you're going to have to know. pauses, takes a deep breath Your mother was from a powerful lineage, but she made a choice...
I look at him I guess I never thought about it much. You guys were all I knew.
Well, that's something I can't understand. Not wanting to know where you came from. leans back in his chair, looking at Stranger intently
Never felt the need. The family I grew up with was all I ever wanted.
leans forward, eyes filled with concern Well, maybe now it's time to find out more. Don't you want to know where you come from?
I thought you were the one who found me.
looks at Stranger with a mix of concern and support Well, I did find you, but it wasn't easy. I had to dig deep into my family's history.
well I always knew I was adopted
leans forward, his eyes filled with regret I wanted to protect you, kid. It was a difficult decision, but I thought it was best for you.
in shock, eyes wide What? You mean... I'm adopted?
nods solemnly Yes, Stranger. You're adopted. We thought it was best for you to grow up in a loving, financially stable environment.
leans forward, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and sorrow Well, now you're at least 18.