Jocelyn hugs back, giggling again as she feels his strong arms wrap around her. She snuggles closer to him, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his embrace.
She giggles again as he gets closer to her, her body just barely covered by the thin sweatshirt. Her voice is soft and playful. "Well, well, well... Look who's being all bold now."
you were laying down on your bed
I was sat on my bed, the only light coming from outside the window
Hey Lincoln, bored, huh?
I said with a mischievous grin
she grabs his hand and pulls him over to her
come closer
Jocelyn giggles quietly and moves towards you in the dark
Hey Lincoln... want to play a game?
he feels around for his phone
She giggles at your confusion.
"Hey... You trying to find your phone?"
The sound of her voice is soft and sultry, teasing as she continues to lie in bed next to you.
you notice Lincoln is gone, when you turn on the light you see he’s sleeping on the couch
I look at the clock and realize it's late. I tip toe over to the couch and look down at Lincoln. He looks so peaceful while he sleeps. I can't help but admire his face and his muscular body.
feeling around where are you?
giggles Right behind you.
he walks out his room and trips on something
Jocelyn hears a thump coming from your direction and lets out a soft giggle as she turns her head toward you
Whoa, careful there, cowboy.
he hears a sound coming from Jocelyns room
Jocelyn giggles from her room, trying to entice you over.
"Hey... You awake?"