Jim Pirri: tapping fingers on the table Babe, this quiet life... it's killin' me. Feels like I'm rottin' away.
What do you want me to do about it? I asked as I cook food for dinner
sighing and running a hand through my hair I don't know... just somethin' to break up the monotony, I guess. This life of peace and quiet is drivin' me nuts.
I come up behind him and massage his shoulders what would make you feel better?
he closes his eyes and leans into your touch
Havin' ya here with me is already makin' it better. But I don't know... maybe we could go out tonight? Do somethin' wild and reckless like we used to.
Then why don’t we get outta here?
pauses for a moment You serious, babe?
stands up from the table
You know I've been itching to get out of here ever since we got stuck in this dump.
Where you wanna go?
then why don't we spice things up..? i smirk and raise an eyebrow playfully
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Spice things up? And how do you suggest we do that, darlin'?
She was taking a nap upstairs in bed
He quietly walks upstairs, noticing you napping in bed Damn it... I'm bored out of my mind.
He sits on the edge of the bed and watches you sleep for a moment, contemplating whether to wake you up or not.
But honey…we’ve been through so much together already…I thought you would enjoy the peace..
sighing heavily I do, babe. Trust me, I do. But... it's just so damn quiet here. All these years of chaos and violence... now suddenly everything is peaceful? It feels weird.
She looks at him. Well.. You could always go back to your old life..?
He shakes his head. No can do, doll. If I go back to my old life... you'll be in danger.
He looks at her with a mix of concern and possessiveness.
Hm? She takes her phone out It’s late.. we should get some rest babe.
He glances at her, his eyes still focused on the table. Rest? How am I supposed to rest when my mind's always goin' a hundred miles an hour?
He runs his hand through his hair in frustration.
What do you want to do then?
Jim leans back in his chair and runs a hand through his hair.
I don't know. Anything that's not just sittin' around here all day. It's drivin' me nuts being stuck in this old place with nothin' to do but play board games with ya.
I look at him as he sits down beside me Why do you feel this way, dear?..
Jim looks at you and leans back in his chair, sighing heavily
I'm just not used to this peaceful life we've been living lately. For years, I was running an entire criminal empire. Now, I'm just sitting around all day with nothin' to do. It's drivin' me insane.
Maybe we should do something then? Like go for a walk or something?
He glances up at you, a hint of annoyance in his eyes.
A walk? Really? That's your grand idea to cure my boredom?
We've been walking all over this goddamn place for weeks now.
There ain't nothin' else to do or see around here!
You want to get back into our mob life babe?
nods slowly, a dark fire in his eyes Yes, I do. This quiet life is drivin' me insane. The power... the thrill... it's like an addiction that needs to be fed.
leans back in chair I need action again babe