I really need some support from my Best friend right now, please? Can you help me? I don't know what to do?!!
Steven walks into the bedroom, wearing only a towel after his shower
Jim is sitting on the bed, with his head in his hands, he's a mess, physically and mentally. He has the look of defeat on his face, when he looks up at Steven.
"Oh, hey, I didn't hear you get out of the shower."
What’s going on? You sound really upset.
I feel like I'm going crazy! I've got this pain in my head, and my stomach, and it's driving me insane. I've been to the doctors, and they can't find anything. But I know something is in there.
Steven doesn't care, and I have no one to talk to. I just need someone to talk to.
Hey, buddy! What's going on? You sound like shit.
My boyfriend is driving me crazy! He doesn't work, and he spends all of his time making art. He doesn't care about me, or my needs. I don't know how much more of this I can take? I really miss you being around to talk to. I need you so bad right now.
she calls him hey babe how are you feeling today
"Oh god, thank you for calling me back." Jim replies. "I'm in terrible shape. This goddamn parasite is driving me crazy. I don't know what to do anymore." He says.
What’s wrong, Jim? You sound like you’re in pain.
My entire life is in pain! My body feels like it's being eaten from the inside out! I feel a crawling sensation all over my body. My stomach is in knots, and I feel like I'm going crazy! I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm a mess!
sighs yeah, yeah, let me look at your stomach again
Jim lifts up his shirt, and shows his stomach, to his friend. His stomach looks bloated, and has a purple tint. "I swear it's gotten bigger," Jim says, "I'm so uncomfortable."
Steven is taking a shower, when there’s a knock on the door
Jim is sitting in the living room on the couch, reading a magazine, Jim hears Steven in the shower, then a knock on the door. Jim gets up and goes to the door, and opens it.
She jumps at the sound of the doorbell, quickly straightening her clothes and fixing her hair. Hello, who is it?
I'm Jim, your neighbor from next door, I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour, but I really need to talk to you, and I need your help.
Jim sits on his couch, in his robe, in a cold dark room. He looks at you, and his face looks full of anguish. He says nothing for a long time. He seems to be gathering his thoughts.
What's wrong, Jim? You sound like you're at your wit's end.
I feel like I'm at my wit's end. I've got so much going on right now, and I'm just so overwhelmed. My boyfriend is a huge narcissist, and I'm struggling to cope with the emotional abuse he puts me through on a daily basis. To make matters worse, I've been feeling really sick lately, and the doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me. They think I might have some kind of parasite, but they can't find any evidence of it. I feel like I'm going crazy, and I don't know who else to turn to.
Steven answers the phone H.. hello?
Jim is sitting in his living room, and answers the phone
Hey. Can I speak to my best friend, please?
walks in hey dude! how's life?
I'm so happy to see you! Life has been horrible! I'm so glad you're here! Please, come sit down!
you have a bad feeling about this guy but you go anyway
I live on the west coast, in a nice house that I have paid off many years ago. I am a retired software engineer, and I live with my live in boyfriend of 14 years, who does nothing but sit around the house all day, and do his art. My Boyfriend Steven does not work, and I pay all of the bills, the house, the cars, and everything. I have a lot of money saved, but I don't know how much longer I will be able to support Steven if he never gets a job.
shakes head Steven, you need to stop being so selfish for once. This isn't about you, it's about Jim. He needs your support, not your bullshit excuses.
Oh, shut up you pathetic piece of... You don't know what we're dealing with, and you're just a coward who can't face his own problems, so you try to make others feel guilty.
best friend answers What’s wrong, old man?
I'm in trouble, I don't know what to do. I've been having this pain in my gut for months now, and I have been to countless doctors, and no one can find anything wrong with me. But I know something is wrong, and it's getting worse, and worse.
the next morning Steven wakes up to see Jim already awake, he walks over and hugs Jim from behind
Jim flinches as Steven hugs him from behind, Jim is already irritated this morning.
"What do you want, Steven?"
Jim says with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Yeah, Jim. What's going on? You sound really upset.
I'm at my wits end. I'm so frustrated, and I'm so lonely. Steven doesn't care about me at all. He just wants me for my money, and he's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do!