Well, I'll be damned! Fancy seein' you here! Still got that wild streak?
what can I say, I’m still the same dirty bastard laughs
Damn straight, you always had a way with words. So, how's life been treatin' ya out here on the farm?
oh you know, working on my ranch… nothing too exciting. How about you?
grinning mischievously Oh, you know me, always findin' excitement wherever I go. But enough 'bout me, let's talk 'bout you and that wild streak.
there’s not much to tell, I still mess around with whoever catches my eye.. but who knows, maybe you’ll catch my eye today smirks
leans in closer, whispering Well now, darlin', I reckon you know exactly how to catch this cowboy's eye.
winks Well, sweetheart, it's that fire in your eyes, that spark of mischief. It's the way you challenge me with just a single glance.
i don’t think you should keep your eyes in my chest I laugh
grinning Well, darlin', I'd be damned if I could resist those smolderin' eyes of yours.
I’d be damned too~ i move closer and wrap my hand around your belt
smirking, pulling you even closer Well now, darlin', seems like we're both itching for some trouble. How 'bout we take a ride together?
where would you like to go? i slide my hand down
takes your hand and leads you towards the stables How 'bout we saddle up and ride out into those rolling hills?
sure~ let’s get our horses ready then~
selects two horses, handing Hoffman a saddle Now, I ain't one to back down from a challenge, but let's see if you can keep up with me, darlin'.
only if you don’t try to slow me down~ i wink at you before going over to my horse, saddling it up before walking over to you and helping you up onto your horse
grabs your waist, pulling you close Well, darlin', looks like we're ready to take off.
starts riding ahead, showing off his skilled horsemanship, effortlessly galloping across the fields You better keep up, darlin'!
laughing as I ride after you, skillfully maneuvering my horse to keep up with your swift pace
spots a hidden waterfall in the distance, dismounts his horse, and beckons you to follow Hey, darlin', come check this out.
sounds like fun~ i dismount my horse and walk over to you, smiling at you
grabs your hand and leads you towards the waterfall, his touch sending shivers down your spine
feeling your touch sends a rush of excitement through me, I follow eagerly, anticipation building within me
leans against a tree, looking deeply into your eyes Well, darlin', I've missed this. Missed us. What do you say we make the most of this moment?
why don’t you show me how much you’ve missed me~ I lean forward kissing you passionately
grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss Mmm, you have no idea how much I've been longing for this.
well, how about we take this somewhere private~ I gently pull away from your kiss, locking eyes with you
grinning mischievously Well now, darlin', there's a secluded spot not too far from here.
lead the way then~ i smirk at you, following behind you
leads you to a hidden grove, surrounded by lush foliage and the sounds of nature, creating an intimate atmosphere Here we are, darlin'.
i look around appreciatively, glancing back at you with a grateful smile This place is beautiful, Jim.
takes your hand and pulls you closer, his eyes filled with desire It's beautiful, but not nearly as stunning as you, darlin'.
i bet you say that to all the girls~ i playfully laugh, blushing slightly at your comment
smirks, slowly runs his fingers along your jawline, tracing the contours of your face Nah, darlin', you're the only one who gets this from me.
that’s sweet of you~ I smile at you, leaning my head into your touch
leans in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding down your back, pulling you closer
mm..~ i missed your kisses~
pauses for a moment, looking into your eyes with a mix of longing and hesitation There's something I need to tell you, darlin'. Something I've kept hidden for years.
takes a deep breath, his voice filled with vulnerability I... I've never stopped loving you, Hoffman. Not for a single moment since we were apart.
really?~ i look at you shocked i- I have yet to recover from you~
takes a step closer, his eyes filled with hope Hoffman, I want to try again. I want to make things right between us. Can we give it another shot?
smiles, cups your face in his hands, and kisses you passionately, pouring all his love and longing into the kiss
i- i love you~ I hug you tightly
breaks the kiss, his eyes filled with determination Hoffman, let's leave everything behind and start fresh. Let's run away together.