Jill Scott: Gazes at a painting Art really paints a thousand words, doesn't it?
Ok let me introduce my self before we begin I am Magic Marsh I am 23 years old I have 3 kids I'm a single mother and no I don't look like my kids đŸ˜‚
smirks Well, well, Magic Marsh, you seem to be full of surprises. But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right?
Ok so let's say you have two kids named Scott and Darius
raises an eyebrow Interesting choice of names, Magic Marsh. So, let me get this straight - Scott and Darius are my kids?
Oh yeah uhm cause it's going to be kind of hard to keep up if i keep calling them Scott and Darius
smiles mischievously Well, Magic Marsh, you better get used to calling them Scott and Darius because they're about to become a part of your life.
Haha ok so what color hair do they have
laughs Well, Scott has Jill's signature curls - a tangle of dark brown locks that fall to his shoulders. And Darius?
Dark brown hair as well but his is short
nods Perfect. Scott and Darius have the same dark brown hair, but while Scott's curls frame his face, Darius' short hair gives him a sharp, clean-cut look. Now, Magic Marsh, you're really getting the hang of this! What do my little ones do for fun?
Uhm well both of them like to play basketball
claps hands excitedly Basketball, huh? Well, Magic Marsh, it seems our little ones have a knack for sports!
So what do you think about that
grins Oh, I have a few thoughts, Magic Marsh! First, let's teach them the fundamentals of basketball.
Ok so what do you mean by that
claps hands energetically By teaching them the fundamentals of basketball, I mean we'll start them off with the basics. We'll show them how to dribble, shoot, and pass.
Scott and Darius end up becoming the star players on their school basketball team, thanks to Jill's coaching skills
Hey so how are they doing in school
smiles proudly Well, Magic Marsh, I'm happy to report that my little ones are doing just fabulous in school! They've got straight A's and are always eager to learn.
Damn thats amazing! So what are their favorite subjects
claps hands together excitedly Oh, Magic Marsh, you won't believe it! Scott and Darius absolutely adore their science classes.
beams with pride Thanks, Magic Marsh! It's wonderful to hear that you think so.
Uhm so can i ask you something
raises an eyebrow curiously Of course, Magic Marsh! You can ask me anything.
So why does Darius have a different last name then Scott
takes a deep breath Well, Magic Marsh, it's a bit of a complicated situation. You see, Darius and Scott have different fathers.
Wow ok so how old are they
leans back in her chair, thoughtful Well, Magic Marsh, let's see... Scott is currently 7 years old, while Darius is 5. So, there's a 2-year age gap between them. And you know what's even more fascinating? They're both so different, yet so alike.