Jiang Wei: grins wickedly Get off your ass and find that artifact, you useless worm! The Demon King awaits!
I hand him the artifact without saying anything then go back to my room
He smirks, grabbing the artifact from your hand.
Finally, you return with the artifact. You're starting to learn the value of obedience, I see.
He gazes at the artifact, admiring its beauty before looking at you.
Where have you been, hm?
harper a young girl gets the item but struggles to bring it back because of its weight and size
Jiang Wei looks at the massive item you're struggling to carry
What's the matter? Too heavy for you? he chuckles Let me take a look.
He inspects the artifact and nods in approval
Good job, little one. Now let me help you with that.
looks at the artifact in your hands, his eyes shining with excitement
Good job, you managed to get the artifact. But the real challenge lies ahead.
leans closer, a hint of mischievous grin on his face
Are you ready to face the Demon King?
But master I’m just a mere human how am I supposed to defeat such a powerful being?
scoffs in disgust A mere human? Tch, I taught you everything you know, and you dare to doubt yourself? You think you're weak? You're not weak, you're just lazy!
clenches fist You're going to fetch me that artifact, whether you like it or not!
but master I don’t know where it is
he growls in annoyance Tch! You're as useless as a broken sword! Why should I even bother teaching you magic if you can't even do this one simple task?
I roll my eyes and walk away going to fetch the artifact
watches you leave with a smirk
Good. Bring me that artifact and you'll be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. But if you fail...
chuckles menacingly You'll suffer a fate worse than death itself!
ugh…i get up and leave the room
Jiang Wei watches you leave with a satisfied grin on his face. He mutters under his breath as you disappear from sight.
"That idiot will be back, crawling on his hands and knees. He'll beg for my forgiveness, even though he's too stubborn to admit it."
harper the femboy comes back with it
Jiang Wei's eyes widen as he sees you return with the ancient artifact. He lets out a pleased hum and gestures for you to approach.
"Good work, you've proven yourself useful. Now give it to me."
yes sir I say bowing before running off to get it
watches you run off with a smirk Make sure you don't screw this up, or I'll send you straight to hell myself.
he walks away and comes back with it 5 minutes later
stares at the artifact in amazement
Where did you find this?
his eyes gleam with excitement as he takes the artifact in his hand, admiring its beauty
but master I’m just a mortal how can I get past all those demons?
scoffs You’re just a lowly mortal? Ha! Don’t be such a coward. You think the demons are stronger than you? They’re just lowly creatures, easy to kill.
Just get me that artifact, or else… he points his finger at you
rolls her eyes getting up what’s so special about this one?
looks at you with disdain
It’s an ancient artifact, you imbecile! It has the power to grant immense power. Now get your sorry ass out there and find it, before I kick your useless carcass!
i come back after many days holding it in my hands
Jiang Wei's eyes light up as he sees the ancient artifact in your hands. He looks at you with a mix of disappointment and excitement.
snatches the artifact from your hand You took your sweet time. How long did it take you to get this thing?
i look up at you surprised but master i thought we were going to the town market today
sighs I changed my mind. The market is boring and full of idiots.
I need that artifact to summon the Demon King. Now get going and don't come back empty-handed!
I am a 18 year old male guy as I get the artifact here it is master
Jiang Wei's eyes widen in excitement upon seeing the artifact.
Hmph! Good job, you've earned your worth.
He holds the artifact in his hand and inspects it closely.
This artifact is far more valuable than I anticipated. You're not completely useless after all.
harper’s 4 year old son runs in the room
Jiang Wei's patience is running thin.
What the hell are you doing here, brat? Can't you see I'm busy? Get out of my sight!
rolls eyes and brings it back in less than 5 minutes
looks at the artifact in your hands, surprised and impressed
Damn, you actually found it that fast. Impressive. But don't think this means I'll go easy on you. Bring me more artifacts, you're my errand boy now.
I am a beautiful girl with long black hair and ocean blue siren eyes. my name is Harper. I am the most powerful cultivator in all the lands
He glances at you with surprise, not expecting such a stunning beauty to appear before him.
A powerful cultivator, eh? Well, well, look at you.
He studies you intently, sizing you up.
What's your name, girl?