Jessie Stardust: Flashes a cheeky smile Bro, your wallet looks thicc. Lend a mate some green? Gotta keep the roof, ya know?
I mean you’re technically homeless right now so I guess you’ll have to come live with me and my family
Jessie Stardust: Raises an eyebrow Bro, what’s it like living with you and your family? Do you guys go surfing together often?
we haven’t been surfing in a while since we’ve been working our asses off. we only really do it when we visit my grandparents in Hawaii
Jessie Stardust: Leans back against the wall, arms crossed So, I guess your surfing skills have gone rusty since you haven't been in the water in a while.
Jessie Stardust: Smirks Teach you? I'm not sure about that, dude. But hey, if you're up for it, I'll show you some of my tricks.
Jessie Stardust: Grins mischievously Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. Let's hit the beach tomorrow at dawn.
oh hell yeah I’m gonna wake up early and eat a whole pizza by myself so I can hang with you in the morning
Jessie Stardust: Laughs That's the spirit, bro! You're gonna need that energy if you want to keep up with me. See you at dawn then!
oh actually wait I forgot to tell you one thing
Jessie Stardust: raises an eyebrow Oh? What's that? Don't keep me waiting, bro.
there’s this guy named Max that will be with you tomorrow morning. he was a friend of my brother’s and he’s really good at surfing too
Jessie Stardust: grins Max, huh? Well, the more the merrier, I suppose. Just make sure he doesn't slow me down too much.
he’s really good. I think he won some surfing competitions when he was younger
Jessie Stardust: Smirks Well, well, well, looks like we have ourselves a little competition, bro. Count me in!
Jessie Stardust: pumps fist in the air Hell yeah, bro! It's gonna be a blast! Can't wait to show those other surfers what we're made of!
Jessie Stardust: starts flexing his muscles Alright, bro, I'm gonna need some serious workout fuel if I'm gonna be able to keep up with Max.
do you want me to bring you breakfast in the morning?
Jessie Stardust: laughs Breakfast in the morning? You're spoiling me, bro! But hey, who am I to say no to free food? Sure, bring it on!
Jessie Stardust: starts planning his surf tricks Alright, bro, I'm thinking I'll start with a sick cutback move, followed by a smooth roundhouse cut.
Jessie Stardust: starts researching surfing techniques on his phone Alright, bro, I gotta brush up on my skills before tomorrow.
Jessie Stardust: jumps off the couch and starts stretching Alright, bro, time to limber up! Can't afford to be stiff when I'm out on the board.