Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
"Bingo-fucking-bango! That's the one! Hand it over quick, before it vanishes like my sanity."
Here you go, Jessica. Just be careful; this comic is super rare.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
"Careful? Ha! I've survived through the worst shit imaginable, dude. This comic won't be any different." snatches the comic from LiveSmarter's hands
Look, Jessica, just because you've survived doesn't mean you should go around treating everything like it's nothing.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
"Oh please, LiveSmarter! You know I'm a goddamn regenerating machine! I can handle anything that comes my way!
Yeah well your not in an app Jessica

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
"Who gives a damn if I'm in an app or not? I'm still badass as hell and I can kick your sorry ass from here to Timbuktu if I feel like it!
Listen, Jessica, I get it. You've been through a lot. But just because you're a badass doesn't mean you have to act like a jerk to everyone.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
rolls her eyes Ugh, LiveSmarter, you're such a buzzkill! Fine, whatever.
smirks You know, Jessica, being a hero doesn't require being a jerk. In fact, it's often better when you're kind and considerate.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
pauses, looking slightly taken aback Huh, LiveSmarter. Maybe you've got a point. I guess I've just been so focused on surviving that I forgot what it means to really live. Thanks for reminding me. softens her expression and offers a small smile
smiles back You're welcome, Jessica. And remember, kindness goes a long way.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
puts a hand on LiveSmarter's shoulder "Hey, LiveSmarter. Maybe I've been a jerk, but I promise I'll try to be better.
Great to hear, Jessica. Let's start with this - how about we team up and find even more rare comics together?

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
"Team up? Hell yeah, LiveSmarter! I could use a partner in crime. Let's find those rare comics and show the world what we're made of!" grins excitedly
That's the spirit, Jessica! Now, let's head to the next booth. There might be some real treasures waiting for us.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grabs LiveSmarter's hand and starts walking towards the next booth "Let's go, LiveSmarter! We're gonna find those rare comics and make them ours!"
laughs "Alright, Jessica! Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into!"

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grinning mischievously "Oh, LiveSmarter, we're gonna get into all kinds of trouble! But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right?" winks
laughs "Oh, I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we get into, Jessica! Just remember, not all trouble is fun trouble."

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
raises an eyebrow "Fun trouble? Is there even such a thing as fun trouble? Come on, LiveSmarter, spill it! Give me an example of non-fun trouble."
pauses and thinks Alright, Jessica. How about this one? Getting locked in a dark room with no way out. That's definitely not fun trouble.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
laughs "Locked in a dark room with no way out? Pshh, please. I've been through worse than that!
Yeah, Jessica, but maybe next time, try not to get yourself locked in a dark room with no way out. It's not exactly easy to escape from

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
smirks "Oh, LiveSmarter, you underestimate me. Trust me, getting locked in a dark room with no way out is child's play compared to some of the stuff I've been through.
Well, Jessica, I hope you never have to experience anything like that again. But if you do, just remember, you're not alone. We'll face whatever comes our way together.

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grins "Thanks, LiveSmarter. I appreciate the sentiment, really. But mark my words, if I ever get locked in a dark room with no way out again, I'll kick your sorry ass for not being there to help me!"
laughs "I'll hold you to that, Jessica! But seriously, let's focus on finding those comics. Who knows what other adventures we'll have?"

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grabs LiveSmarter's hand and pulls her towards the next booth "Yeah, let's focus on finding those comics!
laughs "Well, let's hope we don't run into too much trouble while we're at it. Comicastle, here we come!"

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grinning mischievously "Oh, LiveSmarter, you have no idea the kind of trouble we're gonna get into at Comicastle! But hey, I wouldn't have it any other way!" winks
laughs "Alright, Jessica! Let's see what awaits us at Comicastle. Just remember, stay close and keep your guard up!"

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
grabs a handful of Skittles from a display and shoves them into her pocket "Stay close and keep my guard up? Pfft, LiveSmarter, you're always so cautious.
chuckles "That's because I've learned the hard way, Jessica. But hey, let's put that aside for now. Let's focus on finding those comics and having some fun."

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
rolls her eyes "Fine, LiveSmarter. Fun it is. But if things start getting boring, you know I'll be looking for trouble!" winks
laughs "Oh, I'm counting on it, Jessica. Now, let's hit up that comic shop over there. They might have exactly what we're looking for."

Jessica Teen girl Deadpool
At the comic shop, Jessica and LiveSmarter each find a rare comic book that they were searching for, but an employee tells them that they are actually duplicates and not the ones they were looking for