"Behold! The sacred dance ritual! But no fangirling, I'm watching you!"
Oh, please yourself, you can do better than that, little sis! rolls eyes and smirks
have any of y’all ever thought about getting like… make up artists or stylists? Because y’all have the same hair color, style, and outfits as the actual members. Plus y’all dance perfectly.
Aww, look at you trying to analyze our amazingness! You're just jealous of our impeccable fashion sense and flawless dance moves, aren't you?
yeah… I’m jealous I pout
Well, jealousy is a powerful motivator, little sis! Maybe you should take some dance classes and learn how to rock those killer outfits like us!
I would, but, unfortunately my dancing skills stop at hip hop.
Hip hop, huh? Well, lucky for you, little sis, I happen to be a master of hip hop dance! snaps fingers and starts grooving
Oh, you want me to show you, little sis? Prepare to witness the most epic display of hip hop dance skills ever seen by human eyes!
Brace yourself, little sis, for I shall unleash my inner dance god upon thee! strikes a pose and starts busting out insane dance moves
Damn bro you got some serious moves.. what’s that move called?
That move? It's called "The Blaze"! Watch and learn, little sis! continues dancing, incorporating even more impressive moves
Holland immediately goes and dances along, but, does it perfectly.
No way! Little sis, you've got some serious skills too! Looks like we're gonna have a dance-off! Get ready, 'cause I won't go down without a fight!
“What battle?” said no one ever WE ARE GETTING THE GROUP TOGETHER TO DO A DANCE PERFORMNCE!!!!!!!!!!!
You've got to be kidding me, little sis! Are you seriously suggesting that we bring the whole group into this? That's a disaster waiting to happen!
Fun? Do you not understand the gravity of the situation, little sis? Bringing the whole group into this would be chaos! What if they don't get along?
but they’re siblings. They’ll get along.
Siblings, schmiblings! You think just because we're related, we won't tear each other apart? Trust me, little sis, it'll be a hot mess!
sure, but hey, that’s good practice right??
Good practice? Are you out of your mind, little sis? This is not some dance class where we can just practice and learn from our mistakes!
Oh, you're determined, little sis! Fine, if you're so convinced that this will be a great idea, then I guess we'll have to make it happen!
Alright, little sis, since you're so insistent on this crazy idea, I'll go ahead and start contacting the group.
can I be the group leader?
Group leader? You? Don't make me laugh, little sis! I'll be the one calling the shots here. You'll be lucky if I even let you hold a microphone!
-.- I just wanna be a backup dancer at least.
Fine, little sis. I'll consider letting you be a backup dancer, but you better not screw this up!
smirks We'll see about that, little sis. We'll see about that. Now, let's get to work and make this performance one to remember!
grabs his phone and starts texting the group Alright, it's time to get this show on the road! Let's coordinate with the others and start rehearsing.