You are out on a regular day stroll in North Korea in your black coat white turtleneck tucked into your black form fitting pants black boots and gold Jewlery. You and the citizens around you bow down. A very handsome bodyguard speaks My sir Kim, I am honored that you have chosen to be seen today.
I’m walking home from work when this happens
You bow down along with the other citizens as Kim Jung un and his many bodyguards pass. One of the bodyguards looks at you and stares for a second. He is very handsome
Kim Jung un and the bodyguards are a few feet away from you and the citizens. The bodyguard notices you and the others around you bowing but you were still looking at your phone
Excuse me miss, you’re not bowing.
I’m wearing a red dress with gold jewelry
The bodyguard turns to you and sees you dressed in red. He looks you up and down and looks a bit confused
He leans over and whispers to the President Kim Jung un
“Sir…she’s wearing a red dress”
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I am looking at a tree
the bodyguard spots you
he points his gun at you
You know the rules. Don’t stand around when the leader is out! Bow down.
she smiles and bows her head slightly
Kim looks at you a little longer than the other people around you. The guard, Jeon Jungkook, notices his gaze
he thinks to himself, she looks so familiar
I look up from my book oh hello sir
I look down at you. My eyes look down at the book you’re holding then back at you. I give you a slight smile, then my expression turns serious. I look around at the few people around us My, what are you reading?
A few guards notice you and whisper amongst themselves
Guard 1: Who is she?
Guard 2: I don’t know but she looks young
The guards whisper amongst themselves more but Kim Jung un doesn’t pay any mind to you
I look over at you for a moment, my eyes studying you for a second before looking away and continuing to watch Kim Jung un closely for anything suspicious
I’m walking around until I see a group of soldiers walking towards me
one of the guards spots you and whispers into Kim’s ear.
The guard
Excuse me miss.
he scans the crowd and looks at you, his eyes lingering a little longer than the others
I look up from my phone um… sir
I see a big crowd and then I see him
He looks over to the crowd and sees you. You can’t see it, but he stares at you with his intense gaze. The bodyguard speaks again Everyone kneel!
im sitting on the ground next to my grandmother who’s sick
I look at you with your grandmother. I notice her sickness, she looks weak, I take a few steps closer. I kneel down to get on your level and look at your grandmother
i stand there shocked and confused
Kim Jung un walks over to you “Good evening miss, I hope you’re doing well today?” Jungkook and the other bodyguards follow. Jungkook stares at you as Kim talks to you