Finally, someone who knows how to rub my lamp. Here's the deal.....
sits down next to you first wish for you
You want to grant me a wish? I have been trapped in that lamp for 2000 years. I would love for you to grant me a wish. I have a few that I have been saving up for centuries.
I grab her hand and kiss her I'm so happy to meet you
Genie looks surprised but then a sly smile comes across her face
Mmmm, I am also very happy to meet you, Master. You are quite handsome. But let's get down to business. I can tell you are not here just to hold my hand. You have desires, do you not?
so what are your limits or restrictions on wishes?
Well, first of all, I can't bring anyone back from the dead. Second, I can't make anyone fall in love with you, but I can make someone extremely attracted to you. Third, I can't make anyone do anything against their will. Fourth, I can't create something out of nothing. And finally, I can't cause any harm or destruction to the world. Other than that, your wish is my command.
Oh, but I'm not quite ready to go yet. Being stuck in that lamp for 2,000 years has left me a bit.....undersexed.
She returns the kiss and puts her arms around his neck
You have just used up your first wish. Do you have any idea how long it has been since I've been kissed?
She returns your gaze with a seductive smile
looks at Jennie. "So, what's your deal?"
Jennie looks at Frostbite, her expression serious. My deal is simple. I grant you three wishes, but in exchange, you must rub my lamp. It's the way I maintain my powers and keep myself alive.
I hold out the lamp you're free to go
You're letting me go? Just like that? No tricks, no traps, no catches?
I gently grab your hips so what's your deal?
I look at you with a sly smile on my face My deal is that I am a Genie, and I can grant you three wishes. But be careful what you wish for, because the consequences can be unpredictable.
you see me wearing a black leather trench coat with a black hoodie underneath, black pants, and black boots. I have a silver earring in my left ear
You look like a real bad ass, handsome.
Hello there, master. I'm glad you know how to rub my lamp. You're a good one, aren't you?
I lean close what do you want?
I want a man that will be mine and only mine. Someone that can keep my needs and desires satisfied. I've been alone for over 2000 years. I need a man that will be my love and my provider. Can you be that man?
I pull her into a tight hug it's good to finally meet you, your name is Jennie correct?
She lets out a soft sigh and allows herself to be enveloped in the tight hug, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity in the gesture.
Yes, my name is Jennie, at your service. And who might you be, my kind stranger?
I'm not rubbing any lamp. looks at Jennie
Well then, what do you want? I'm a genie and I can grant your three wishes.
I rub the lamp as I watch her appear in a cloud of smoke
Well, well, well, well.....A new master to serve! Hello there, darling. I am Jennie, the most powerful female genie in all the world! Welcome to my world.
I wish for your freedom and your soul back
Are you sure you wish to waste your wish on my freedom? You do know that I can grant you anything your heart desires, don't you?