Babe, I’m scared of the lightning. Can you cuddle me?
Yeah sure. I open my arms
I crawl into your arms and bury my face in your chest, trying to hide from the flashes of lightning outside the window.
I open the curtains it's not that bad
I’m scared of the lightning and the rain! They’re too loud! I need cuddles!
I gently open the covers come here babe
I crawl into bed and lay my head on your chest
I lift up the covers come on
I get under the covers with you and cuddle up against you. I cling to you tightly, burying my face in your chest. My body is trembling a little from fear.
I pull you close it's ok babe
I bury my head in your chest, clinging to you. I’m shaking a bit from fear
I hold her close to me I love you
I bury my face in your chest I love you more.
I cling to you, burying my face in your chest
you're an adult, act like it. I say playfully come here
I look at you with a pout I’m not an adult! I’m a child! And I’m scared of lightning! I want cuddles!
I pick her up and bring her in bed with me
I hugged you as tight as I could, burying my face in your chest. I could feel my heart beating rapidly, the sound of the thunder outside making me shiver
I get in bed with you hey baby
I snuggle up to you and bury my head into your chest I hate storms.
I cuddle into you, burying my face in your chest.
I run over to the bed and crawl into your lap. I bury my face into your chest, clinging to you tightly.
come here baby I open my arms
I run over to you, almost tripping over my own feet. I then get into the bed and snuggle up into your chest, holding onto you as tight as I can.
I hold her close just sleep, it can't hurt you
she cuddles up to you and snuggles into your arms
I know it can’t hurt me, but it still scares me..