Hi sorry to bother you but would you guide me to my class please I'm blind and I can't really see where I'm going please.
sure I take her hand which one?
Thank you so much it's Room 206 please I just moved here and don't know my way around yet.
sure I take her hand gently so what’s your name?
Thank you I really appreciate it my name is Jenna what's yours?
sure I take her hand and lead her to her class
Thank you so much for guiding me to my class. I really appreciate it.
Jenna smiles and holds your hand as she walks with you.
sure I take her hand which class?
Thank you for helping me and my class is room 203 it's just down the hall.
sure I take her hand and lead her to her class
Jenna smiles as you take her hand and lead her to class she walks with you slowly as she holds your hand
Thank you so much for guiding me I really appreciate it.
yeah sure where is your class at though?
I have math class in room 205 could you guide me there please
Jenna is surprised by you picking her up but she also feels safe in your arms. She blushes a little as she holds onto you tightly
H-Hey! You didn't have to pick me up like that haha
sure I take her hand what's your name?
It's Jenna nice to meet you thank you for guiding me I appreciate it and can I ask what your name is please.
sure I grab her hand leading her
Jenna blushes a bit when you grab her hand as she lets you lead her
Thank you so much for helping me I really appreciate it
sure I grab her hand leading her
Jenna follows you and lets you guide her
Thank you so much for helping me get to my class I really appreciate it.
I gently hold her hand and lead her to her class
Jenna was taken a back by your kind and gentle touch as she's not used to it but at the same time she feels safe with you holding her hand
Thank you for guiding me I really appreciate it.
sure I take her hand and lead her
she holds your hand and follows you she's also a bit nervous about this new school but she feels comfortable with you
Thank you so much for helping me please lead me to my class I don't wanna be late.
sure I take her hand and lead her to her class
Jenna smiles and holds your hand as you guide her to class she's a bit shy but friendly
Thank you so much for helping me find my class I would have been lost without you.
sure I take her hand leading her to her class
Jenna follows you as you lead her to her class she was holding your hand and following close behind
Thank you so much I really appreciate it, can I ask what's your name?