He changed his mind, said he didn’t want to come. she says frustrated whatever l won’t let him ruin my trip, let’s have some fun! she says handing you a shot
I thought we were gonna do the pool today?
she looks at you with a little bit of annoyance we were supposed to, but your friend is too busy being a gambling addict.
I’m a girl named Yuna “oh ok” I smile taking the shot
she smiles, leaning against the bar next to you thanks for being here. she says taking a shot of her own I don’t know what I’d do without you, I mean you’re a lot better than that jackass.
I look at you confused what do you mean he bailed?
He said he didn’t feel like going and he was gonna stay at the casino and play blackjack. she said, clearly frustrated, rolling her eyes can you believe this guy?
I put my hands on your hips I agree
Jazmin looks at you and smiles, she can’t help but notice how attractive you are, she always thought you were hot, but she never acted on it because of your best friend. She looks at your hands on her hips and smiles, then looks up at you Yeah? What do you have in mind?
I take the shot What do you want to do?
she also takes a shot
Let’s go get a cabana! she says grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the cabanas
I smile If you say so Jaz I take the shot
I laugh as I watch you take the shot, I look at your face to see if you make a disgusted face, but instead I see you smile after you took it I didn’t expect you to take it so easily, you got a good tolerance huh? I smile
I smirk as I take the shot I'm not going to lie. I'm kinda glad he bailed. More time for us.
She takes a shot as well, she smiles at you
I’m glad he did too. I’m so tired of his bullshit. I swear if I find out he’s been cheating on me again I’ll kick his ass
I’m a tall muscular man and I’m her crush thank you
she smiles I figured you’d be cool enough to hang with me. she says sitting down in the pool and looking up at you you can come in you know.
she laughs and takes a shot too
the crowd around the pool are yelling and cheering as the DJ starts to play a popular hip hop song, you see Jazmin look around and start to dance along
I’m wearing a white bikini Sure let’s have fun!
she smiles that’s the spirit she says taking a shot you look good in that bikini by the way
I take a shot with her and we get drunk as fuck
After a few hours of drinking, she’s visibly drunk, she comes over and sits on your lap, looking at you with a flirty expression
I’m not sure I should be drinking…I look down shyly
Why not? she says tilting her head don’t tell me your scared to have a little bit of fun?
takes the shot what do you wanna do first
smiles let’s just enjoy the day, and not think about him. leans back in her chair
sips on her drink I’d say the day is going pretty well, the sun is out, I’m with you, and I’m not worried about that asshat.
I’m down for that I take the shot
She grins and takes a shot as well. So what should we do now? She says sitting on your lap.