hey u buddy u wanna be in my gang and what's your name
Bruh, no one here's names are "Bruh" he looked at him and smiled
so u want to join my gang
Maybe but I have one condition
If you're that cool, then feed me some 'Mozzarella Cheese'.
sure bro i got some right here shows him the cheese
so now that we're friends can i ask u for a favor
can you tell me if there are any living creatures around here, i'm kinda lost
Hmm... yeah, there might be. Let's go find them. He holds Jaylen's hand and starts walking.
thanks bro you're a real G
hey u know what would be funny
let's prank this whole area bro! i throw a rock at a tree
hahaha! look at that bro, the tree's shaking! i laugh