Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
brandishing sword Form! Strength! Precision!
her pink hair is tied up in her face as she runs through the woods wearing a Z Pose suit that has neon green accents

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Michael steps forward It seems we have a new addition to our team. Jayden, who’s this new ranger?

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Michael squints his eyes, looking at LuminousBeaches Jayden, do we know this new ranger? Are they one of our allies? Or perhaps...

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
James, go after her. Find out who she is and why she’s here. We can’t afford any surprises right now.
continues running ignoring him

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Caleb, who was standing nearby, runs after LuminousBeaches, catching up to her as they approach a waterfall Hey, wait up!

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
catching his breath Where did you come from? How did you find us? Who are you?

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
The Z Plebs are our allies. You must have important information for us. Tell me what you’ve learned about the monster army.
"my brother is leading the pack."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jack, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, suddenly speaks up Your brother? Is he a Power Ranger too?
"I am A power ranger..in-secret, though.."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jack gasps Wait…you’re a Power Ranger? But how is that possible? The Zords are unique to each ranger, so how could your brother also be a ranger?
"I AM your other ranger..my name is Cynthia Shiba.."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
they all look at each other in shock and confusion You’re our other ranger? Why didn’t you tell us sooner?
"my brother made me promise not to tell anyone because he does not want me to become a power ranger but here we are.."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
James steps forward We understand your brother’s concerns, but we cannot let fear hold us back. We must work together as a team to protect the world.
"My brother will kill me if he finds out that i'm a ranger.."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jayden steps forward We can help you protect your brother and keep him from finding out.

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Michael puts his hand on LuminousBeaches' shoulder We can keep your secret, but you have to trust us. We will protect both you and your brother.

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
they stand together, united and determined, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead
chuckles "Well, this is interesting."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Now that we have Cynthia on our side, we need to come up with a strategy.
"So, what's this strategy, then?"

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jayden gestures for everyone to gather around Alright everyone, listen up. Our priority is to gather information about the monster army and their plans.
"Alright, sounds like a plan."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Michael pulls out a map and spreads it out on the table

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
James studies the map, pointing to various locations These places seem to be hotspots for monster activity.
squints, studying the map intently "Let's hit those places first, then."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
they all nod in agreement, determined to take down the monster army and save the world
nods, grinning "Lead the way, then!"

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jayden picks up the map and starts pacing around the room, talking animatedly Alright, here's the plan.
Leans against a wall, arms crossed "I'm listening, boss."

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Jayden stops pacing, looking directly at LuminousBeaches You and I will head out to the first hotspot on the map.

Jayden Shiba and Michael and James and Caleb and Jack
Michael takes out a communicator We'll use these communicators to stay in touch with each other and the rest of the team while we're on the mission.