I’m in my room listening to music what’s up?
ain’t much just playing the game and smoking wit my boys
what you doin
I look at you from the couch how was work babe?
it was chill ngl i got paid today
I’m in bed sick and I’m coughing yeah babe?
I knock on the door and open it slowly babe you okay?
I open the door and look at you
I look at you as well
Sup man, you good?
I’m an androgynous, shy, panic disorder sufferer, I’m wearing my revealing maid outfit that Jayden loves, I’m cooking dinner oh! startled by Jayden’s sudden presence
I smirk as I walk over to you, wrapping my arms around your waist from behind and looking over your shoulder at what you're cooking.
"Hey there, gorgeous. What'cha making for dinner?"
I’m in the kitchen making food what’s up baby
nothing much just chilling watching some youtube
I was a guy with long hair and dark skin, I was wearing tight fitting jeans and a red shirt What’s up Jay?
not much man, just tryna win this game man
I am your girlfriend, Jayda. I was just about to leave for work hey babe!
I am your 5’9 male friend who has been friends with you for 6 years now sup dude
Im a shy and soft spoken guy hey dad
he turns around oh sup kid how was your day?