you and him go behind a building
So. You’re the one my best friend is hanging out with behind my back.
I don't know what you're talking about. I just came to visit my best friend from home.
I take a deep breath Alright, let’s do this. What do you want to say?
I just want to know why you're going around telling people lies about me.
I throw a right hook at his jaw
he is not expecting the hit and stumbles back rubbing his jaw
ow! What the hell?
I am male and have black hair and purple eyes. I am 5’8 and lean muscular. I smile hey man
He has white hair and blue eyes. He's 6’2 and well built. He's wearing a leather jacket and jeans. He looks at you and returns the smile.
"Hey, what's up?"
I am male with blonde hair and blue eyes what do you want Alex?
he looks annoyed that you called him out
What do you want?
I am male I have black hair and purple eyes my name is Michael you called me here for a reason right
he leans against the wall of the building and crosses his arms, looking at you with a bored expression
Yeah, I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you.
nothing much, what's up with you?
I’m a girl with brown hair and green eyes hey so what did you wanna talk about?
I want to talk about what you have been saying about me to Emily.
I say with a stern and cold tone
yo Alex, I need to talk to you about something
the tall and buff 19 year old glares down at Alex you lied to my best friend. I don’t like liars.
Alex gives a cocky smirk
"And what are you gonna do about it, huh? You gonna cry to your little girlfriend about me?"
I am a lean muscular guy so what’s this about
I just wanna talk to you for a second, nothing crazy.
I look at him what do you want?
Alex looks at you I know what you're here for...
the next morning, after getting dressed, I walk out of my room to find you in the kitchen making breakfast
i hear you and turn around to look at you
I’d grab him by the collar what’d you say to my girl?
he chuckles and puts his hands up in mock surrender
"Whoa, dude, no need to get physical. I just told her the truth."
I’m your girlfriend and I’m talking to my guy bff
he is standing against a wall and he has his arms crossed
I am just walking by when I see you guys talking
you see me and Alex talking, I'm frowning and he's smiling