ugh why do I have to be with you!?
rolls eye
sighs as I put my bag down
Jaxson puts his bags down and rolls his eyes
This is going to be a long month.
i roll my eyes and face the other way
he looks at you
don't ignore me
I roll my eyes we could always switch rooms you know.
are you stupid? I would never give up my bed to someone as annoying as you
sighs I guess we should just go to sleep… lays down on the bed facing away from him
he lays down on the bed as well, turning his back to you
I take a deep breath "sorry for being annoying"
looks at you “you’re not annoying I just don’t like you”
because it’s a school trip, that’s why?
ugh you are literally the worst person I could've got stuck with
don’t act like you are so happy about it too
I roll my eyes as I take off my hoodie and begin to put on pjs
he looks at you as you take off your hoodie and starts to put on pjs
hmp don’t you have any decency?
I shrug and get in the bed
I ignore him and go to sleep
I lay down on my bed and stare at the roof, thinking about why I have to be with you. I get up and walk over to your bed, standing over you and watching you sleep
I sit in a chair in the room
sighs as I put my stuff on my bed this is going to be a long month..