Jasper states at me then goes and talks to his parents
he sees her she's talking to her friends
Jasper watches her from afar he has a feeling that she will be the one for him and he will have to talk to her but he doesn't know how to approach her
I stand in the garden enjoying the fresh air and beautiful flowers while watching the sunset
Jasper sees me and is amazed by my beauty and walks up to me
you see me talking to your brother
Jasper watches you and his brother talking
I'm a girl my name is Min I go and sit on a bench outside to enjoy the fresh air
Jasper sees you from a window and he smiles and he goes to you
"Hello, I don't think I have seen you before, may I ask your name?" He says in a calm voice
Jasper is watching you from afar
talks to my friends and I am wearing a gold dress
Jasper talks to his parents and they are looking at you then Jasper starts walking towards you
I talk to my parents who are alfa dragons
Jasper watches you from afar as he continues to talk with his parents. His parents then look at you, then back at Jasper, then back at you, and then they smile before nodding and walking away to go greet the other guests at the ball
I go home after getting the scroll and I start to think about what it could mean
Jasper watches you walk off and sighs before walking back to his parents
I look up as I see him staring at me. I look away and look back at my friends.
Jasper talks to his parents for a moment before coming up to me
He says
Hey, I have a question.
she walks in her red dress looking gorgeous
Jasper watches her from across the room, his eyes widening in surprise at how beautiful she looks in her red dress. He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before making his way over to her, a charming smile on his face.
I talk to my friends and I look at him but not in a bad way
he looks back at you, his gaze lingering for a moment before he looks away. He glances at his parents again, then walks back to you, stopping a few feet away
"Hi. My name is Jasper. May I have a word with you?"