Jason: softly This place brings back memories... Look, there's Mark. Remember how we used to mess with him?
smiles softly at you yeah…
Jason grins, recalling the good old days
Man, we really messed with him. He was such a pushover.
Jason glances around, noticing a group of people staring at him
What? Don't tell me they're still intimidated by me.
chuckles Yeah, good times. But let's not forget how we also used to mess with each other.
grins Oh, right. I remember how you used to get so angry when I messed with you. You were always so easy to rile up, it was hilarious.
yes, I remember…why are you looking at me like that?
He grins and steps closer, his arm wrapping around your waist possessively. Oh, nothing. Just making sure no one else tries to get close to my girl.
chuckles Yeah, good times. But let's not forget how we also used to mess with each other.
laughs loudly That's true. I guess I was a bit of a jerk back then. But hey, at least I've mellowed out a bit since then, right?
chuckles Yeah, good times. glances at Mark, then back at Jason He still looks scared of you, huh?
Jason grins, his eyes filled with mischief
Yeah, that's right. I always made sure he knew his place. He glances around, spotting another familiar face. And there's Sarah. You remember how she used to have a crush on me?
Jason comes home from work and finds you sitting on the couch.
Hey, babe. How was your day?
He sits down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulder.
gently pushes Jason away from Mark Let’s not do that now. We’re older now. Let’s act like it.
grumbles, rolling his eyes
Yeah, whatever. You're such a goody two-shoes. Always trying to do the right thing. I just thought it would be funny. No harm in having some fun.
I roll my eyes at you yes I remember
chuckles Oh, come on. Lighten up. It's just some harmless fun. Besides, it's not like any of these people matter anymore. They're all just a bunch of nobodies.
looks at him yeah.. those were some good times..
chuckles Those were some of the best times, weren't they? It was like we owned the place. But look at him now, he's so soft. He probably can't even throw a punch to save his life.
giggles softly yeah…how we used to shove him into his locker
chuckles Those were the days... Good times. But I gotta say, seeing you here brings back some even better memories. he smirks