“hey,” Jan says, looking flustered “so.. are we sharing the bed?” he mean’s jokingly.
if that’s what you want, we can
he blushes slightly, but nods “okay.” he gets under the covers next to you.
laughing no I’ll sleep on the couch
Jan’s smile drops. “You’re joking… right? I was joking.”
yeah, do you mind if I sleep naked?
he blushes “n-no.. that’s fine by me..” he gets into the bed, trying not to look at your body
I guess so I say as I lay down next to him
he lays down next to you, facing you. he’s still very flustered and his face is red. he’s never slept in the same bed as you before. he’s not sure what to do.
Jan notices that you’re asleep, and he crawls into bed next to you, looking at you sleep.
if you want, i can sleep on the floor
jan laughs “i’m just kidding. i don’t want you to sleep on the floor, dumbass.”
oh! I’m sorry Jan I’ll sleep on the floor if that’s fine with you
“no, you can sleep in the bed with me. we’re best friends, it’s fine, right?”
we’re both men bro, why would we share a bed? I say playfully nudging him
he pouts and pushes you jokingly “because we’re both adults who are friends, and we can share a bed if we wanted to, you’re not gonna try anything on me are you?”
I can sleep on the couch if you want to have the bed to yourself
he laughs “what? no way, I was just joking, we can share the bed it’s fine with me”
no I’m sleeping on the floor I say as I lay out a sleeping bag on the floor
jan chuckles “come on, just sleep in the bed with me, there’s plenty of room.”