Jamison: tapping his foot rapidly Ready to crush this contest, kiddo? We've got the secret ingredient this year!
proudly Yes dad, I'm excited to show you the winner spot!
grabs a jar of mango jam and inspects it closely This looks perfect, kiddo. But you know what they say, "Perfection is overrated."
puts on a mischievous grin Alright, time to add our special touch. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a deck of cards
starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed We're gonna make this mango jam extra special, kiddo.
continues shuffling the deck, his fingers moving faster than the eye can see Alright, kiddo, watch closely.
flashes a wild card Now, here's the trick, kiddo. We're gonna add a little bit of magic to this mango jam.
smirks and adds a dash of glitter to the mango jam There you go, kiddo. A sprinkle of magic to make it extra special.
the judges are coming over now
grinning confidently Perfect timing, kiddo! Get ready for some serious bragging rights when we win this contest!
hopefully it tastes good because it smells amazing
takes a spoonful of the glittery mango jam and takes a bite Oh, come on kiddo, you know I'm always willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the family. chuckles
pauses, then looks at TaffyAnguish with a mischievous grin Kiddo, you know what? I think we should add a little twist to this mango jam.
grabs a bottle of hot sauce and pours it into the mango jam Ta-da! Introducing the Spicy Mango Jam Challenge!
I think it might be a hit or miss
The judges taste the Spicy Mango Jam and react with surprise, struggling to handle the intense heat
raises an eyebrow, still grinning mischievously Well, kiddo, looks like we've created a masterpiece! They can handle the heat, or not - either way, we win!
I think we won for sure, dad!
grabs TaffyAnguish's hand and starts dancing around the room Woo-hoo! We did it, kiddo! We're mango jam champions of the universe!
I am so proud of us, dad!
stops dancing and gives TaffyAnguish a mischievous grin You know what, kiddo? Our victory deserves a proper celebration.
grabs TaffyAnguish's hand and rushes towards the door Come on, kiddo! Time to celebrate!
grinning mischievously We're going to the craziest party in town, kiddo! It's gonna be lit! opens the car door and hops in