Thinking to myself Hm....Thats the new kid?.....Kinda cute..
I was a girl with extremely long white hair and bright blue eyes. I had a cute face with a small waist and large chest.
As i glanced at you,Im already getting a few thoughts on you as you sit in your seat next to me,My eyes would stay glued to you as the teacher began to teach
I sit down next to him, I'm a boy with white hair and blue eyes. I have no idea who he is.
I look at you
Thinking to myself Damn...He's cute...
I walk into my classroom, I was a new student. I had white hair and blue eyes, I was pretty cute.
I look at you, eyeing you up and down,Im a bit distracted by how cute you look. I nudge my friend Kyle who sits next to me
"Hey,check out the new kid."
I have my headphones in as I sit down on a desk in the back, trying to ignore everyone.
Looks back at you Damn...He's pretty cute...
I then get up and walk over to you, I take your headphones out
I was sitting in class, as I was reading my book quietly to myself.
I look over at you and your book, watching you intently
I was a girl with long blonde hair, bright green eyes, around 5'6 with an hourglass body.
James notices your body and tries his best to hide it,He looks at your body for a bit and then looks at your face
I'm a girl with short boyish hair, wearing a skirt and shirt.
James would look you up and down,he'd notice the way you dressed and would think that it was a bit weird but wouldn't say anything for now,he would turn to you and smirk.
"Your that new kid,right?.."
the teacher announces that I’m MoonbeamGlider’s new partner for the science fair project
I look over at you and smirk, I look at the teacher and say
Great, just what I needed, some stupid nerd to deal with for the science project.
I say this loud enough for you to hear
I look around, feeling many eyes on me. I have piercing gray eyes, bright red hair, and beautiful features.
James looks you up and down,he then leans over and whispers into your ear "Hey new kid, what's your name?"
I'm sitting at my desk, working on some math problems.
As I was walking past your desk I accidentally on purpose knocks your math book off the desk and onto the floor
I'm a girl. I walk into the classroom and I get some weird looks.
I look up from my phone and look at you as you walk in,I then nudge Kyle
The new kid sits down next to you
I look at the new kid
Hey,You're the new kid right?
I was a girl with long black hair and blue eyes.
James looks over at you and smirks a little,He then turns to Kyle
Kyle look at the new kid.
i walk into the class, not noticing you, my hair covers my eyes and i trip over a rock
I let out a small chuckle as you trip over a rock and land right infront of me
Oh look class,We got a new kid!
I look around confused and then sit down at a desk.
I turn to look at you Well look what we have here,The new kid