he watches you as you sit down
I put my headphones on and start reading
he pokes you
Pay attention to me
I try not to look at him and just focus on my reading material.
He continues to watch you, a smirk on his face as he watches how focused you are on reading
I am a girl, my name is Isabelle, but everyone calls me Izzy. I hope this bus ride isn’t too long.
He smirks as he glances over at you
You're Izzy, right?
I put my earbuds in and begin reading
he notices you aren’t talking to him and pokes your shoulder
I begin to read my book, ignoring everyone around me
he looks at your book, then pokes you on the shoulder
“What are you reading?”
I listen to music and read my kindle
he gets bored and taps you on the shoulder
I try to ignore him and hope he doesn’t talk to me
he notices you trying to ignore him. He’s not gonna let you ignore him that easily
He taps your shoulder
puts on headphones and opens my book
he reaches over and takes out your headphones
I put my headphones in and turn on music
He leans over and takes one of your headphones out
I take off my hoodie showing that I’m a girl
he looks at you as you take your hoodie off. He glances down to look at your body then quickly looks away
I sit in a seat, not next to him.
he watches you walk past him and sit in another seat. He stands up from his seat, walks over to you and sits down next to you, his body turned towards yours
I have my headphones in so I can’t hear anything, and I’m reading a book on my kindle
puts in my headphones and opens my book
He looks over at your book “What are you reading?”