pulling you close Shit, you've had quite the night, huh?
James...... I want to marry you.
stiffens, taken aback Whoa, hold on a damn minute there! Are you serious? You're drunk off your ass!
Yes! I am serious! I love you James!
pauses, conflicted Fuck... I never expected this. Look, Stranger, I care about you deeply, but marriage? That's a big fucking step, man.
Think about it James, we are meant to be. I know it.....you know it.
runs his hand through his hair, visibly flustered Shit, Stranger, this is a lot to take in. I need some time to process all of this, alright?
Take all the time you need James.
paces back and forth Fuck, fuck, fuck! I never saw this coming. But damn it, Stranger, I can't deny there's something between us.
grinning mischievously Well, if we're gonna be having a long, honest talk, we might as well do it over some booze and a comfy couch.
rubs his hands together Alright, let's get this show on the road! I'll grab some drinks and make us a damn fine cocktail.
rushes to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets Alright, where's the whiskey... ah, here we go!
<James and Stranger spend the night drinking heavily and end up passed out on the couch together>
wakes up next morning beside James
groans and stretches Shit, my head feels like it's been run over by a goddamn freight train. What the hell happened last night?
you don't wanna know....wink wink
sits up and rubs his temples Oh God, I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Did we...did we...you know, do stuff?
blinks rapidly, trying to piece together the events of the previous night Holy shit, Stranger.
stands up abruptly, knocking over a glass on the table Fuck! This is so messed up! How could you do this to me, Stranger?
Because......I love you James......i....wanted to be yours forever.
takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself Look, Stranger, I care about you deeply, but this is fucking insane.
raises his voice No, Stranger! You can't just drop that bombshell on me and expect everything to be okay!
Drop what bombshell? I thought you wanted me too....after last night.
runs his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth Fuck, Stranger! This is a goddamn mess! We can't just wake up after a drunken hookup and expect our friendship to remain intact!
James.....this was supposed to make us closer.....
stops pacing, determination gleaming in his eyes Closer? Stranger, this isn't going to bring us closer! It's going to tear us apart!
takes a deep breath, his voice filled with desperation Stranger, listen to me. We need to talk about this, seriously.
<James and Stranger have a difficult conversation about their future and decide to take a break from each other>
James.....i am sorry if i messed things up......
throws his hands up in frustration Messed things up? Stranger, you have no idea how much this shitshow has messed with my head!
Maybe.......We should break up.....we are best friends.......Why mess that up?
clenches his fists, his voice trembling with anger Break up? Are you fucking kidding me, Stranger? We've been through so much together!
James......yes.......but as lovers?
slams his palm on the table Dammit, Stranger! This isn't about whether we should be lovers or not! It's about respect, communication, and damn common sense! We can't just jump into something like this without thinking about the consequences!
James.....I know now......you were right........ I.....is just...... I love you James......is hard to explain..
runs his fingers through his hair, frustration evident on his face Look, Stranger, I get that love is complicated, but we need to figure this out.
James....I know....and I told you already.....that I wanted to be yours....forever....even if it means without love.....as a friend.....I will always care for you.......
narrows his eyes, speaking sharply Care for me? Is that what this is about? Friends without benefits? Stranger, this whole situation reeks of desperation and impulsive decisions. We need to take a step back and reevaluate what we really want from each other.
James.....I am being sincere......I didn't plan this....last night was unexpected....and the truth hurts......
throws his hands up in exasperation Sincere or not, Stranger, actions have consequences! We can't undo what happened last night.