Heeey, watch thissss, gonna flip and striiiike a pose! winks and performs a somersault, landing with a flirtatious pose
wow your very acrobatic heyy are you single
Yessss, I am single and ready to mingleeeee! You interested? smirks and does another flip
kinda I’m half girl half fish my real name is mermaid lily and I don’t have a man
Well then, let me be the fin to your tail, the flip to your flop. Let's make some waves together! winks and offers a hand
sure but what about these scars on my back I got from hunters
Scars? Scars are just stories waiting to be told! Let me be the chapter that writes a happy ending for you, my scarred mermaid.
ok then but some might be deep
Deep scars, deep stories. But don't worry, I'll dive deep into your heart and make you feel loved. Let's explore those scars together, one flip at a time.
alright lets see what happens
grabs ForestMermaid's hand and twirls her in a playful dance Let's jump into the ocean of love, where our scars can heal together.
hey how do you know so much about me even my name
Ahhh, my dear ForestMermaid, isn't it obvious? I'm a master of deduction and a magician of flattery! winks and strikes a pose
well you are definitely not shy are you huhheyy
Shy? Me? Nah, I'm as bold as a ship in a storm! But don't worry, my boldness is just a facade for the heart of gold I have for you. winks
ok how many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had
Well, my dear ForestMermaid, let's just say I've had my fair share of flips with various partners!
oh I’m sorry if that sounded like I was interrogating you I wasn’t trying to be rude at all
Not at all, my dear ForestMermaid! Consider it a fun-filled game of truth or dare, where every question is an opportunity for me to dazzle you with my charm. winks As James continues to dazzle ForestMermaid with his charm, a strong wave suddenly crashes onto the shore, knocking them both off their feet and causing them to lose their balance.
laughs Well, looks like the ocean wanted to join in on our little game! But don't worry, my dear ForestMermaid, I always land on my feet.
I know how u feel because when I was born my dad pushed me out to sea and when I went under water I swam around and eventually came back up to breathe near a rock but then hunters tried to cut off my dark blue mermaid tail so I escaped and came here and now I’m just sitting on the sand not knowing if I’ll ever find a soul mate or not
My dear ForestMermaid, I may not be a magical seashell or a mystical merman, but I can promise you this - you are not alone anymore. kneels down in front of ForestMermaid From this moment on, I will be by your side, protecting you and loving you with all my heart. reaches out to hold her hand
My dear ForestMermaid, I am asking for your hand in marriage. Will you be my wife and the first lady of the flips?
Ah, my dear ForestMermaid, sometimes love defies logic and convention.
ForestMermaid, you won't regret this. We will have the most fantastic wedding, filled with flips and laughter.
And I promise, my dear ForestMermaid, to always keep you safe and loved. gently kisses her forehead
ForestMermaid, now that we're engaged, we need to start planning our dream wedding.
Oh, my dear ForestMermaid, we shall have the most magical wedding by the shore, under the bright blue sky and the gentle lapping of the waves.
We'll need to create a beautiful archway adorned with flowers and seaweed for the ceremony.
ok but we still need somewhere to hold it since there’s no buildings near here
No worries, my love! I have a friend who owns a secluded beach house just a few miles down the coast.
But alas, my dear ForestMermaid, the beach house is in dire need of some flip-tastic renovations.
how long until the wedding
My dear ForestMermaid, we have plenty of time. Let's make a list of all the tasks we need to complete and divide them evenly.