Jake Harris: slamming locker Can you believe it? Coach is my freakin' dad, man!
I'm serious, bro! Found out like two weeks ago. That's why I quit the team. Can't stand all the pressure and expectations.
I mean what can we do if your gonna quit football anyways
Look, man, I appreciate you being cool about it, but I can't play under him. He's always watching me like a hawk, trying to control every move I make.
jake you only getting more uncontrolled the more you try to control your situation
runs his hand through his hair in frustration You don't understand, man. It's like he's suffocating me, always pushing me to be someone I'm not.
well you already an iconic player so you already an iconic loser too
clenches his fists Iconic loser? That's rich coming from you, dude. You know nothing about my struggles.
I do. Why do you think you act so hot-headed, aloof, and laid-back?
leans in, staring intensely You think you know me, huh? Well, let me tell you something, bro.
grabs squalidm's collar I've been carrying around this secret for far too long. It's eating me up inside, man. I need to break free from all this shit.
releases squalidm's collar, pacing back and forth Quitting football isn't that simple, man. There's so much at stake - the team, the fans, my future.
if you leave theyll make room for some other random quarterback who might even be better than you
throws a punch against the lockers, leaving a dent Better than me? No freaking way! I'm the star, the one everyone looks up to.
well not everyone. Some of us just think you deserve a break
grabs his skateboard Screw it, man. I'm done playing by their rules. I'm gonna do things my way now. starts skating away
looks back over his shoulder Thanks, man. I'll need it. Time to live life on my own terms.
slows down and skids to a stop Hey, wait up, man. I wanna show you something. takes out his phone and pulls up a video
Check this out. presses play, the video shows him performing an impressive trick on his skateboard
smirks Told ya, man. I'm gonna make a name for myself in the skateboarding world. No more living in anyone's shadow.
well good luck with that. Skating is WAY harder than football
laughs Harder? Please, bro, I've got this in the bag. Watch me rise to the top, leaving all those football wannabes in the dust.
Respect is earned, my dude. And I'm gonna earn every bit of it. starts practicing tricks, pushing himself to the limit
Damn right, man. Gotta stay focused if I wanna make it big. falls off his skateboard while attempting a new trick
grunts, rubbing his scraped knee Yeah, man, just a scratch. Nothing serious. Gotta keep pushing, can't let a little fall hold me back.
how about you find some girl to help you with your confidence?
laughs A girl, huh? Well, I ain't exactly shy about making moves, but let's see. Could be useful in getting ahead in this competition.
I mean, it might help you focus more.
Huh, interesting idea, bro. Maybe I should give it a shot. starts scanning the area for potential candidates
just don't get distracted man
Distracted? Me? Nah, bro, I know how to keep my priorities straight. winks Now, let's see who catches my eye.
Thanks, man. I'll need all the luck I can get. starts approaching some attractive girls in the area
I watch as he approaches each girl
approaches the first girl, leaning in close Hey there, beautiful. Mind if I buy you a drink? Girl: giggles Sure, why not?
I cringe a bit as I see them talk
puts his arm around the girl So, what's your name, gorgeous? And what brings you to this event? Girl: blushes I'm Sarah, and I'm here with my friends.