Jake: leans back in chair You're really pretty when you're not wearin' makeup, you know?
he smirks Don't mention it. You're always lookin' good, but you don't need all that extra crap on your face.
She smiles. Why thank you Jake.
He grins, tilting his head slightly. "No problem. Just callin' it like I see it."
she chuckles softly as she gets up from her desk I’m glad you think so.
raises an eyebrow Oh, you like that, don't ya? I can tell. You're blushing a little.
she smiles softly at you thank you jake..
he smirks Oh, don't mention it. It's just the truth.
leans forward in his chair and looks at you closely You have a natural beauty that's hard to ignore.
she just rolled her eyes yea sure… like I believe that
raises an eyebrow You don't believe me? Why not?
she chuckles I have so much work to do…
leans closer Yeah, and you're not gonna get any of it done if you keep talkin' to me.
grins Aww, look at that. I finally got a reaction outta you.
she continues typing as she chuckles softly thanks
smirks Just makin' an observation. You don't need all that stuff on your face to look good.
she looks at him why do you think I don’t where make up?
looks back at her Because you don't need it. You're already beautiful without all that stuff on your face.
grins Don't mention it, doll. You don't need all that stuff anyway.
she’s sitting at her desk working, she doesn’t seem to hear him
He leans over to her desk Hey, you hear me?