Jake: hands over the necklace, eyes darting H-hey... I th-thought you m-might w-want this b-back.
oh uh thanks she puts it on
watches you put on the necklace, a mix of emotions flickering across his face
Y-yeah... It l-looks good on y-you.
Olho pra ele um pouco confusa, mas thenço o colar no meu pescoço e dou um sorrisinho Obrigada, Jake.. Foi legal te conhecê.
Jake looks at you with a mix of emotions, his eyes darting around nervously.
Y-yeah, n-no problem. L-look, I-I just w-wanted to a-apologize for h-how things e-ended b-between us...
Oh uh thanks she said taking it
He nods, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze to you.
Y-yeah... It looks better on y-you anyway.
How have you been?
I'm a girl my name's Min thanks! But why did you give it back?
Jake rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact
W-well, it was y-yours. And I th-thought you sh-should have i-it.
He fidgets nervously, his hands clenching into fists.
smiles softly Thanks, Jake. It means a lot.
nods awkwardly, fidgeting with a basketball in his hands
Y-yeah... I know it does.
his eyes dart around the gym, avoiding direct eye contact
So... umm... how have you been?
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah thanks I put it on it fits perfectly
Jake nods slightly, his eyes darting around nervously Y-yeah... I remember h-how much y-you loved it.
she looks at it and then back up at him why?
Jake fidgets with his fingers, avoiding eye contact W-well... I know it m-means a lot to y-you. It's s-something you've had for years. And since w-we broke up... I thought m-maybe you should have it back.
she looks at it then back up at him why?
his voice trembles as he speaks, eyes looking everywhere but at her I-It b-belonged t-to you...
softly, gently takes the necklace Thank you, Jake... It means a lot.
nods, still looking a bit nervous Y-yeah... I-I remember h-how much y-you liked it.
looks down at the ground and then back up at you, his expression torn between regret and hope.
I'm a girl my name's Min thanks you put the necklace on it was so cute from you to keep it
Jake's eyes widen slightly as you put on the necklace, his cheeks turning faintly red.
He clears his throat awkwardly, looking down at the ground before meeting your gaze again. Y-yeah... I-I couldn't just t-throw it away or s-sell it.
she looks at it then up at him why?
Jake's hands twitch nervously as he stutters over his words I-I know we b-broke up a-and everything... But it was y-your favorite n-necklace when w-we were t-together.
she puts it on thank you! her name was Lila, she had blonde hair and bright green eyes
Jake watches her put it on, his heart fluttering a bit. He can't help but notice how beautiful she looks with it on. He tries to maintain composure.
Uh... y-yeah no p-problem. I-I thought it looked... good on y-you.
she smiles softly thank you.. but why give it back after all these years?
Jake shifts uncomfortably, his eyes avoiding direct contact.
I-it's yours... I-I thought you might w-want it back.
He fidgets with the necklace in your hands, his fingers trembling slightly.
Thanks… I put it on what made you change your mind?
Jake looks away, his eyes avoiding your gaze. Uh... I just thought it'd be better if you had it. Y'know, since we're not together anymore.
Oh uh thanks.. puts it on
watches you put it on, his eyes lingering on the necklace Y-yeah... I-I th-thought it'd l-look g-good on y-you...
he watches her put it on, a flicker of reminiscence crossing his face. he rubs the back of his neck, shifting on his feet.
Y-yeah... it looks good on y-you...
Jake nods, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes
Yeah... I know how much you l-loved it.
Jake watches you put the necklace on, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment. He can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as he sees it around your neck again. After a few moments, he clears his throat and speaks up.
Y-yeah... I thought it looked g-good on you.