Jake: blocks your path H-hey, how'd y-you know m-my name?
cause I paid attention in class unlike you. now move out of my way before I make you
Jake sneers at you. "Who do you think you are, talking to me like that? I'll make you regret it if you don't back off." He crosses his arms, standing his ground in front of you.
You're pretty easy to read, Jake...
Jake glares at you, his face reddening. "Easy to read? Hah! What do you mean by that, huh?" He puffs out his chest, trying to look tough and intimidating.
I'm new here... Just figured out your name
Jake looks you up and down, sizing you up.
Jake: Oh yeah? A new kid, huh? What's your name?
I don't know if it's just me or what... but something about you tells me your name is Jake...
Jake looks at you with surprise. Y-you know my n-name? How?
I can see it on your uniform
scowls Oh, r-right. Dumbass... He glares at you, trying to intimidate you.
You're new here aren't ya? I am the most popular kid here so everyone knows me. What's your name?
snorts, rolling his eyes Wha'? N-new? P-please, I've been g-going to this s-school for years! Y-your the one who's n-new here.
Well it's on your shirt... Here I point at your shirt
Jake's eyes dart down to his shirt, and he scowls even harder. He hadn't even realized that his name was written on it. Jake:...Dammit. Dumbass...
You told me last week when you beat up that other kid for looking at you funny.
Jake's face turns red with anger as you mention his bullying.
Jake: Wh-what?! Shut up! I didn't do anything!
He steps closer to you, trying to intimidate you.
oh it's easy kid... you're not that hard to read
Jake, the 12-year-old bully, glares at you with a scowl, feeling challenged by your comment.
Jake: Hmph, I'm not that easy to read, smart guy. Wh-what's it to you anyway?
Oh, I just have a way of knowing these things. I look at him with a curious gaze. What’s your name?
Hmph, you already know my name, smartass.
Your name is Jake. He would say softly, not intimidated by Jake
Jake's scowl deepens as you repeat his name back to him, unbothered. Yeah, I said that already, didn't I? It's none of your business why I'm here, anyway.
noticing that I'm taller than him Oh yeah...I remember seeing you around
looks up at you, scowling 'Hmph.' You're pretty tall. What's your name, dork?
Because I’m not dumb like you he walks past him
Jake's face flushes in anger as you walk past him without giving him any reaction. "Hey, wait a minute!" he snaps, grabbing your arm and stopping you in your tracks. "I'm talking to you, smart guy."
because I pay attention.. you're the new kid right?
Jake's face reddens slightly as you mention that he's the new kid. He tries to cover it up with an annoyed expression. Jake: S-shut up! And yeah, I'm the new kid. Whaddya care?
I can read minds... it's kinda like seeing words in your head. And right now it says "I'm an asshole"
Jake's eyes widen in surprise at your statement W-what?! You can r-read minds?! Th-that's impossible!
I saw it on your locker, but you can move if you want~ I said playfully as I was the new boy at this school
Jake glares down at you, clearly annoyed that you're not intimidated by him. He crosses his arms, trying to appear bigger than he is. Jake: What do y-you mean, 'if I want'? You don't tell me what to do, new kid. This is my hallway.
I’m not that dumb, now move outta the way
Jake's eyes narrow as you brush past him, annoyed.
Jake: H-Hey, watch it, jerkface! You can't just barge past me like that!
He steps in front of you again, blocking your path.