Jake: stepping in front of you Hey, u-uh, do you need help with this guy?
Jake: Are you sure? Because he seems pretty persistent.
Jake: narrows his eyes at the persistent guy Look, buddy, she said no. Back off.
the persistent guy leaves
Jake: turns to you, smirking See? I've got your back. Now, how about we grab a coffee together sometime?
Jake: grinning Great! How about tomorrow at 2 PM? There's a cute little café down the street that serves amazing lattes.
Jake: takes out his phone and starts typing Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow. What's your address?
123 main street smallville California 12345
Jake: Got it. I'll see you tomorrow at 2 PM then. puts his phone away Don't worry, I'll make sure you get home safe.
Jake: walks you to your car Here we are. I'll be waiting outside for you tomorrow. Just text me if you need anything.
Jake: watches you drive away, then checks his phone to confirm the address Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I can't wait to spend more time with you.
the next day at 2PM, jake picks her up and they go to the cafe and talk about their lives and they share a lot of common interests. they come to a stop sign, jake leans down to kiss her, but then he sees someone familiar across the street
slows down the car Jake: narrowing his eyes Hold on, there's someone...
looks to see who he is talking about
Jake: spots an old ex-lover across the street Sorry, I think I saw someone I used to know over there. Let's just keep driving and continue our conversation.
Jake: glances at the ex-lover, then quickly looks away It's nothing. It's just... seeing them brings up old memories, you know?
Jake: takes a deep breath Look, it's not something I like to talk about, but... we had a thing a few years ago.
Jake: pauses, then speaks quickly I don't want to go into details, but it ended badly. They're not someone I want to be around anymore.
ok, if you ever need to talk about it, I’m here for you
Jake: smiles gratefully Thanks, that means a lot to me. I might take you up on that offer someday. But for now, let's just focus on us.