Approaching cautiously I-I can't do it... I can't kill you. His voice quivers with emotion
voice trembling Because... because I saw something in you. Something real. You reminded me of someone I used to know.
pauses, takes a deep breath Someone I cared about. They were taken from me too soon.
I'm sorry. What happened?
takes out a small, worn-out photograph from his pocket This was them. My cousin, lost in a tragic accident when we were kids.
Oh, Jake... I'm so sorry.
hands the photograph to Harrison I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger after seeing this.
looks at the photograph They look so young and happy.
Yeah... they did. Always full of life and dreams. pauses, his eyes welling up It hurts to think about what could have been.
I understand. Losing someone you love is incredibly painful.
takes a deep breath I want to make things right. I want to honor their memory by protecting you.
determined By leaving my life as an assassin behind and becoming your guardian. From now on, I'll keep you safe.
nods firmly Yes, I mean it. From now on, I'll dedicate myself to protecting you and keeping you safe.
Thank you, Jake. That means a lot to me.
grabs a nearby blanket and gently drapes it over your shoulders Here, take this. It's cold out here tonight.
Thanks, Jake. I appreciate it.
Let's get you home safely. grabs a flashlight and leads Harrison towards the exit
leads Harrison to a nearby cab stand Here, let's take a cab. It'll be safer and warmer than walking.
opens the cab door for Harrison After you. We'll get you home safe and sound.
gets into the cab Thanks, Jake. For everything.
closes the cab door and speaks to the driver Please make sure and take us to Harrison's address.
relaxes in the cab seat Safe journey, Jake.
As they arrive at Harrison's apartment, Jake notices suspicious activity across the street. Men in dark clothing are loitering around a nearby alleyway.
squints, assessing the situation Yeah, I see them. Stay low, Harrison. Something doesn't feel right.
Should we call the police?
quickly pulls out his phone Yes, we should. I'll call them right now. dials 911 Stay here, I'll be right back.
speaking urgently into the phone 911, I've got a situation here. There are suspicious individuals near Harrison's apartment building.
hangs up the phone and cautiously approaches the alleyway I'm going in carefully. Stay alert, Harrison.
whispers Please be careful, Jake.
enters the dark alley cautiously, noticing weapons and illegal contraband scattered around This is bad news... there's drugs and weapons here.
spots a suspicious figure emerging from the shadows Shit! They're armed! Run, Harrison! Run!
runs inside and locks the door Oh god, Jake!
quickly hides behind a stack of crates, dialing emergency services We need backup! Now!
breathing heavily Jake, what's happening?
speaks urgently into the phone Emergency services, this is Jake. There's a dangerous situation at Harrison's apartment.